The Rise and Fall of Qualcomm: Lawsuits, Controversies, and Leadership Changes

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The Rise and Fall of Qualcomm: Lawsuits, Controversies, and Leadership Changes

Table of Contents

  1. Title: The Rise and Fall of Qualcomm: From Lawsuits to Leadership Changes
  2. Introduction
  3. Qualcomm's Controversial Lawsuit with Broadcom (2009)
  4. The Mirasol Misstep: A Costly Bet on Reflective Display Technology (2012)
  5. Qualcomm's Ecosystem Issues and Reputation Challenges (2013)
  6. The Licensing Dispute with China and Activist Investor Intervention (2015)
  7. Broadcom's Acquisition strategy and Avago's Origins (Broadcom's Predecessor)
  8. The Failed Hostile Takeover Attempt by Broadcom (2018)
  9. Apple and the Lawsuit that Rocked Qualcomm's Strategic Position (2017)
  10. Qualcomm's Greed and Apple's Allegations of Excessive Fees
  11. The Role of Qualcomm's Cellular Modems in Apple's iPhones
  12. Apple's Negotiations and Settlement with Qualcomm
  13. Conclusion
  14. References

The Rise and Fall of Qualcomm: From Lawsuits to Leadership Changes


Qualcomm, a prominent player in the semiconductor industry, has had its fair share of controversies, lawsuits, and strategic challenges. This article delves into the pivotal moments that shaped Qualcomm's journey, from losing lawsuits to making risky bets and experiencing leadership changes. We explore the impact of Qualcomm's decisions and the outcomes that led to its rise and fall.

Qualcomm's Controversial Lawsuit with Broadcom (2009)

In 2009, Qualcomm faced a major setback when it lost a high-stakes lawsuit against Broadcom, resulting in a $900 million payout. This legal battle reflected the intensifying competition and legal disputes that plagued the semiconductor industry. The repercussions of this loss would set the stage for future challenges that Qualcomm would grapple with in the coming years.

The Mirasol Misstep: A Costly Bet on Reflective Display Technology (2012)

Under the leadership of Paul Jacobs, Qualcomm made a risky investment in Mirasol, a reflective display technology. Despite building a billion-dollar fabrication facility, Mirasol failed to attract any customers. The promised vision of a magazine-like display remained unrealized due to challenges in reproducing high-quality images. This misstep highlighted the importance of strategic bets and the need to assess market viability before committing substantial resources.

Qualcomm's Ecosystem Issues and Reputation Challenges (2013)

As Qualcomm continued to grow revenue, it faced ongoing ecosystem and reputation challenges. In 2013, the company found itself in a licensing dispute with China, further straining its relationship with major players in the industry. Additionally, activist investor Jana Partners pushed for a split between Qualcomm's licensing and chip business. This sparked debates on the alignment of these two essential components and whether they should operate independently.

Broadcom's Acquisition Strategy and Avago's Origins (Broadcom's Predecessor)

Broadcom, now known as Avago, emerged as a notable player in the semiconductor industry with a unique strategy. Recognizing the deceleration of Moore's Law, Avago focused on acquiring semiconductor companies rather than reinvesting in research and development. This strategy involved leveraging substantial debt to fund acquisitions and subsequently squeezing acquired companies for profitability. Avago's origins Trace back to Hewlett-Packard's chip division, emphasizing the dynamic nature of the semiconductor landscape.

The Failed Hostile Takeover Attempt by Broadcom (2018)

In 2018, Broadcom made a hostile takeover attempt on Qualcomm, valuing the company at $117 billion. However, this acquisition was controversial and faced obstacles. The Trump administration intervened, citing national security concerns due to Broadcom's close ties with Huawei. Qualcomm's lobbying efforts played a crucial role in blocking the deal, securing its position as an independent American company.

Apple and the Lawsuit that Rocked Qualcomm's Strategic Position (2017)

The year 2017 marked a critical turning point for Qualcomm, as both the U.S Federal Trade Commission and Apple filed separate lawsuits against the company. The lawsuits alleged Qualcomm's abuse of its market position as a dominant smartphone modem supplier, compelling manufacturers to pay excessive fees. This lawsuit against Qualcomm not only highlighted the strategic challenges Qualcomm faced but also shed light on the dynamics between industry giants.

Qualcomm's Greed and Apple's Allegations of Excessive Fees

Apple's allegations centered around Qualcomm's exploitation of its patents, which were integral to industry standards. Qualcomm demanded exorbitant fees from Apple, including $7.50 per phone sold, totaling approximately $2 billion per year. Furthermore, Qualcomm planned to raise prices, further burdening Apple. These demands, coupled with Qualcomm's stipulations against using competing suppliers, showcased Qualcomm's aggressive business practices and fueled Apple's claims of unfairness.

The Role of Qualcomm's Cellular Modems in Apple's iPhones

Apple, being heavily reliant on Qualcomm's cellular modems since 2011, found itself paying significant licensing fees to Qualcomm. This dependency became a point of contention in Apple's Quest to reduce costs and explore alternatives. However, Qualcomm's domination in cellular modem technology made it challenging for Apple to move away from the company, especially during the emergence of 5G technology.

Apple's Negotiations and Settlement with Qualcomm

Although Apple briefly used Intel modems in its devices, it became evident that Intel fell behind Qualcomm in 5G development. Realizing the need for credible cellular modems, Apple eventually settled its lawsuit with Qualcomm and resumed business with the company. While the terms of the settlement remain undisclosed, analysts estimate that Apple negotiated a fairer fee, significantly reducing Qualcomm's revenues from Apple.


Qualcomm's journey has been a rollercoaster ride, marked by lawsuits, strategic missteps, and considerable challenges. Despite weathering significant storms, Qualcomm's ability to adapt, innovate, and secure crucial partnerships has allowed it to maintain a prominent position in the semiconductor industry. As the industry continues to evolve and technology advances, Qualcomm faces new opportunities and obstacles that will Shape its future.


  • Qualcomm's controversial lawsuit with Broadcom in 2009 resulted in a $900 million payout.
  • The costly bet on reflective display technology, Mirasol, showcased the risks of investing in unproven concepts.
  • Qualcomm faced ecosystem issues, reputation challenges, and a licensing dispute with China in 2013.
  • Broadcom's acquisition strategy and Avago's origins as Hewlett-Packard's chip division highlighted the evolving semiconductor landscape.
  • The failed hostile takeover attempt by Broadcom in 2018 was blocked due to national security concerns and Qualcomm's lobbying efforts.
  • Apple's lawsuit against Qualcomm brought attention to allegations of excessive fees and Qualcomm's market dominance.
  • Qualcomm's cellular modems played a vital role in Apple's iPhones, generating significant licensing revenues.
  • Apple eventually settled with Qualcomm, acknowledging the company's leadership in cellular modem technology and resuming business with them.


Q: Did Qualcomm lose a lawsuit against Broadcom in 2009? A: Yes, Qualcomm lost the high-stakes lawsuit and had to pay $900 million to Broadcom.

Q: What was Qualcomm's Mirasol technology? A: Mirasol was a reflective display technology that aimed to recreate the visual experience of a magazine page. However, the technology failed to deliver on its promise, resulting in zero customers.

Q: Why did Broadcom attempt a hostile takeover of Qualcomm? A: Broadcom aimed to acquire Qualcomm to consolidate its position in the semiconductor industry and exploit potential synergies. However, the attempt was blocked due to national security concerns.

Q: What were Apple's allegations against Qualcomm? A: Apple alleged that Qualcomm abused its market position by forcing manufacturers to pay excessive fees for its smartphone modems.

Q: How did Apple settle its dispute with Qualcomm? A: Apple settled its lawsuit with Qualcomm and resumed business with them, potentially negotiating fairer licensing fees.


Please refer to the following resources for more information:

  1. Qualcomm
  2. Broadcom
  3. Avago Technologies
  4. The Rise and Fall of Qualcomm: An Insider's Perspective by Steve Mollenkopf
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