Understanding Hardware Security in Intel MAX10 FPGAs

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Understanding Hardware Security in Intel MAX10 FPGAs

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Understanding the Three Phases of Learning
    1. Theoretical Design of a Circuit
    2. Circuit Design
    3. Circuit Implementation and testing
  3. Importance of Hardware Security
  4. Evaluation of Hardware Security in Intel MAX10 FPGAs
  5. Challenges in the Implementation of Attack Methods
  6. Summary of Threats and Countermeasures
  7. Future Possibilities in Hardware Security
  8. Pros and Cons of MAX10 FPGAs for Hardware Security
  9. Invasive Attacks: Flash Memory Size and FPGA Logic Complexity
  10. Non-Invasive Attacks: Undocumented JTAG Commands and Data Remanence
  11. Power Analysis and Electromagnetic Analysis
  12. Fault Injection Methods: Power Glitching and Electromagnetic Pulse
  13. Limitations and Improvements in Attacking MAX10 FPGAs
  14. Conclusion


In the ever-evolving field of electronics, learning the intricate details of designing and securing circuits is essential. Similarly, hardware security plays a crucial role in protecting data, preventing attacks, and implementing countermeasures. This article explores the evaluation of hardware security in Intel MAX10 FPGAs, discusses the challenges in implementing attack methods, and highlights the significance of securing these devices.

Understanding the Three Phases of Learning

Learning electronics involves three distinct phases: theoretical design, actual circuit design, and circuit implementation. Each phase presents its own set of challenges and learnings, ultimately leading to a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter.

Theoretical Design of a Circuit

The first phase of learning involves gaining knowledge about circuit design theory. This includes understanding the principles behind component selection, circuit functionality, and circuit analysis techniques. By acquiring a solid theoretical foundation, one can effectively design circuits with specific requirements in mind.

Circuit Design

Once the theoretical knowledge is acquired, the next step is to put that knowledge into practice. Circuit design involves translating the theoretical concepts into a schematic Diagram. This schematic serves as a blueprint for the actual circuit and showcases the interconnections between various electronic components.

Circuit Implementation and Testing

After the circuit design is completed, it is time to bring it to life. Circuit implementation involves physically assembling the components on a breadboard or PCB. Once the circuit is built, it needs to be thoroughly tested to ensure that it operates as intended. This involves conducting various experiments, measuring signals, and troubleshooting any issues that may arise.

Importance of Hardware Security

Hardware security is a critical aspect of protecting data and preventing unauthorized access to electronic systems. It safeguards intellectual property, prevents attacks on services, and enables the implementation of countermeasures against potential threats. Hardware engineers play a crucial role in designing secure systems, identifying vulnerabilities, and enhancing security features to withstand modern attack technologies.

In the case of Intel MAX10 FPGAs, hardware security is of utmost importance. These FPGAs are specifically designed for security applications, with features like internal flash memory and on-die configuration bitstreams. The MAX10 FPGA also offers various security measures, such as encryption, security fuses, and JTAG disablement, making it an attractive choice for mitigating modification attacks.

Evaluation of Hardware Security in Intel MAX10 FPGAs

To assess the effectiveness of hardware security in Intel MAX10 FPGAs, a comprehensive evaluation was conducted. This evaluation focused on understanding the vulnerabilities and potential attack methods that could compromise the security of these devices. The evaluation involved analyzing the flash memory size, complexity of the FPGA logic, and the presence of undocumented JTAG commands.

Challenges in the Implementation of Attack Methods

Implementing effective attack methods in hardware security faces several challenges. The constant evolution of attack technologies requires hardware security professionals to stay updated with the latest advancements. Additionally, working with modern fabrication processes, such as the 7-nanometer process, presents its own set of challenges. To address these challenges, a thorough understanding of system flaws and the ability to predict new attack methods is crucial.

Summary of Threats and Countermeasures

The evaluation of hardware security in Intel MAX10 FPGAs revealed certain threats associated with the implementation of attack methods. These threats include the potential for unauthorized access, data leakage, and tampering with the device's configuration. To mitigate these threats, it is essential to implement appropriate countermeasures, such as strong encryption, secure key storage, and thorough testing processes.

Future Possibilities in Hardware Security

The field of hardware security is constantly evolving, and it is crucial to identify future possibilities for enhancing security measures. Collaborations between researchers and industry professionals can yield innovative ideas and lead to the development of more robust security methods. Adequate funding for research and development in hardware security is essential to explore new avenues and overcome existing challenges.

Pros and Cons of MAX10 FPGAs for Hardware Security


  • Designed specifically for security applications
  • Internal flash memory eliminates the need for external storage
  • Offers encryption of bitstreams for added security
  • Includes security fuses to protect against unauthorized access


  • Prone to soft errors due to being an SRAM FPGA
  • Keys stored in flash memory, which may not be the most secure method
  • Limited documentation on data commands and security features

Invasive Attacks: Flash Memory Size and FPGA Logic Complexity

Invasive attacks, such as fault injection, offer the potential to gain full access to the internal features of a device. In the case of Intel MAX10 FPGAs, invasive attacks can be challenging due to the small size of the device and the complexity of the FPGA logic. However, given the relatively large size of the flash memory cells, fault injection attacks are still plausible.

Non-Invasive Attacks: Undocumented JTAG Commands and Data Remanence

Non-invasive attacks offer a more cost-effective approach to compromising device security. In the case of Intel MAX10 FPGAs, researchers explored the use of undocumented JTAG commands and investigated data remanence. While the evaluation did not yield significant results, further research is needed to fully examine the potential of these attack methods.

Power Analysis and Electromagnetic Analysis

Power analysis and electromagnetic analysis are non-invasive techniques used in hardware security. Power analysis involves analyzing the power consumption of a device to detect any anomalies or Patterns that may reveal sensitive information. Electromagnetic analysis, on the other HAND, focuses on detecting electromagnetic emissions generated by a device during its operation. These techniques can be instrumental in identifying vulnerabilities and developing countermeasures.

Fault Injection Methods: Power Glitching and Electromagnetic Pulse

Fault injection methods, such as power glitching and electromagnetic pulse, offer powerful means of attacking devices. Power glitching involves injecting glitches into the power supply to disrupt the normal operation of a device. Electromagnetic pulse injection utilizes fast changes in the magnetic field to induce voltage spikes in the device, leading to unintended behavior. These techniques, while effective, require caution due to the potential risks involved.

Limitations and Improvements in Attacking MAX10 FPGAs

Attacking MAX10 FPGAs presents certain limitations and areas for improvement. While invasive attacks show promise, a more efficient method for targeting specific memory cells is needed. Non-invasive attacks require further exploration and research to uncover potential vulnerabilities. Better control over pulse parameters and methods to reduce or eliminate flyback voltage pulses can enhance fault injection techniques. Collaboration between industry and researchers can lead to advancements in hardware security.


In conclusion, the evaluation of hardware security in Intel MAX10 FPGAs highlights the complexities and challenges associated with securing electronic devices. While these FPGAs offer robust security features, there are still potential vulnerabilities that need to be addressed. Ongoing research, collaboration, and advancements in attack methods are crucial to staying ahead in the constantly evolving field of hardware security.

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