Upgrade to Windows 11 for Optimal Performance on Intel 12th Gen

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Upgrade to Windows 11 for Optimal Performance on Intel 12th Gen

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Understanding the Performance Problems with Intel 12th Gen on Windows 10
  3. The Benefits of Windows 11 on Intel 12th Gen
  4. testing the productivity Applications on Windows 10 and Windows 11
  5. Benchmarking Gaming Performance on Windows 10 and Windows 11
  6. The Importance of 1% Lows in Gaming Performance
  7. Overall Comparison and Recommendations for Intel 12th Gen Systems
  8. The Limitations and Bugs in Windows 11
  9. The Decision to Upgrade to Windows 11
  10. Additional Resources and Recommendations

Windows 10 vs Windows 11: The Best Choice for Intel 12th Gen Users


With the release of Intel's 12th generation processors, there has been much debate about the optimal operating system to pair with these CPUs. Windows 10 and Windows 11 both have their advantages and disadvantages when it comes to performance and compatibility. In this article, we will delve into the performance differences between the two operating systems and determine which one is the better choice for Intel 12th gen users.

Understanding the Performance Problems with Intel 12th Gen on Windows 10

Intel's 12th gen processors introduced a hybrid architecture with P and E cores, which significantly impacted their performance on Windows 10. The Windows 10 scheduler struggled to distinguish between P cores and E cores, leading to inefficient process placement and suboptimal performance. Intel recognized this issue and stated that Windows 10 would likely perform worse than Windows 11 on 12th gen systems.

The Benefits of Windows 11 on Intel 12th Gen

Windows 11 takes advantage of Intel Thread Director, which helps the updated scheduler differentiate between P cores and E cores. This optimization results in improved performance and better utilization of the processor's capabilities. Windows 11 provides a seamless experience for Intel 12th gen users, ensuring that the right processes are assigned to the appropriate cores.

Testing the Productivity Applications on Windows 10 and Windows 11

To evaluate the performance differences, a series of productivity applications were tested on both Windows 10 and Windows 11. The results showcased noticeable improvements when using Windows 11 on Intel 12th gen systems. Applications such as Handbrake, Microsoft Office Suite, and Corona renderer demonstrated increased speed and efficiency.

Benchmarking Gaming Performance on Windows 10 and Windows 11

Gaming performance was a crucial aspect to consider when comparing Windows 10 and Windows 11 on Intel 12th gen. The benchmarking tests revealed that Windows 11 consistently provided a more stable and smoother gaming experience. Titles like Rainbow Six Siege, Far Cry 6, and Red Dead Redemption 2 showed significant improvements in both average FPS and 1% lows when running on Windows 11.

The Importance of 1% Lows in Gaming Performance

While average FPS is an essential metric, the 1% lows also play a crucial role in determining the overall gaming experience. Windows 11 showcased better 1% lows compared to Windows 10, indicating fewer performance dips and increased stability during gameplay. This aspect is particularly significant for gamers looking for consistent performance without stutters or lag.

Overall Comparison and Recommendations for Intel 12th Gen Systems

After analyzing the test results, it is clear that Windows 11 is the superior choice for Intel 12th gen systems. The optimizations provided by Windows 11, coupled with the compatibility issues faced by Windows 10, make it the go-to operating system for smoother performance and enhanced user experience. However, it is essential to consider specific workloads and potential updates by Microsoft that could affect the performance balance in the future.

The Limitations and Bugs in Windows 11

While Windows 11 offers improved performance, it is not without its flaws. During testing, various GUI bugs were encountered, highlighting potential stability issues. It is advised to wait for future updates to address these bugs before transitioning to Windows 11.

The Decision to Upgrade to Windows 11

For users running Intel 12th gen processors, transitioning to Windows 11 is highly recommended. The enhanced performance, better gaming experience, and processor optimizations make it the ideal choice. However, for users with older processors or specific compatibility concerns, sticking with Windows 10 may still be a viable option.

Additional Resources and Recommendations

For more in-depth information on the comparison between Windows 10 and Windows 11 with specific settings and configurations, additional resources and videos are available. These resources provide a comprehensive understanding of the performance differences and help users make an informed decision regarding their operating system choice.


  • Windows 11 offers superior performance on Intel 12th gen processors compared to Windows 10.
  • Productivity applications demonstrate increased speed and efficiency on Windows 11.
  • Gaming performance, particularly 1% lows, is significantly better on Windows 11.
  • Users with Intel 12th gen processors should consider upgrading to Windows 11 for optimal performance.
  • Windows 11 has limitations and bugs that should be taken into account before upgrading.
  • Additional resources and recommendations are available for more detailed comparisons and information.


  1. Q: Is Windows 11 compatible with older Intel processors? A: Windows 11 is primarily designed to take advantage of the features and optimizations of newer processors, such as Intel 12th gen. Older Intel processors may not be officially supported.

  2. Q: Can I upgrade from Windows 10 to Windows 11 for free? A: The eligibility for a free upgrade from Windows 10 to Windows 11 depends on several factors, including hardware compatibility. It is recommended to check Microsoft's official guidelines for eligibility requirements.

  3. Q: Are there any performance improvements in Windows 11 for non-gaming tasks? A: Yes, Windows 11 provides performance improvements for both gaming and non-gaming tasks. Productivity applications and multitasking benefit from the updated scheduler and better utilization of the processor cores.

  4. Q: Should I upgrade to Windows 11 immediately or wait for future updates? A: It depends on various factors, including your specific hardware configuration and the urgency for the latest features. Waiting for future updates to address bugs and stability issues might be a more prudent approach in some cases.


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