ChatGPTにおけるTestDaF Writing Grader & Trainerの機能
Providing grades
Error corrections
Improvement suggestions
ChatGPT で TestDaF Writing Grader & Trainer を使用するのに適しているのは誰ですか?
TestDaF Writing Grader & Trainer on ChatGPT. A TestDaF Writing Trainer providing grades, error corrections, and improvement suggestions.
ChatGPT で TestDaF Writing Grader & Trainer クイックスタートを使うには?
Quickly start using the TestDaF Writing Grader & Trainer: 1. Register or log in to access the tool. 2. Paste your TestDaF writing for evaluation. 3. Receive instant feedback on your writing performance!
ChatGPTでTestDaF Writing Grader & Trainerを使うには?
To use the TestDaF Writing Grader & Trainer: 1. Input your TestDaF writing piece. 2. Receive detailed grades, error corrections, and improvement suggestions. 3. Implement the feedback to enhance your writing skills!
ChatGPT でのTestDaF Writing Grader & Trainerのタグ
Writing Grader
German language
Error correction