goast.aiを使用するには、Visual Studio Code用のgoastVS拡張機能をダウンロードする必要があります。この拡張機能は、React、Flutter、TypeScript、Go、JavaScript、Pythonなどの主要なフレームワークと言語をサポートしています。拡張機能をインストールすると、goast.aiにコードの自動補完を促し、バグを修正し、マージの衝突なしで外部のコードを統合し、プロジェクトのバックエンドインフラストラクチャの設定を支援することができます。
カスタマー サービスの goast.ai サポート メールは次のとおりです: info@goast.ai 。
goast.ai 会社名: Goast.ai 。
goast.ai ログイン リンク: https://app.goast.ai/login
goast.ai 価格リンク: https://goast.ai/#pricing
goast.ai Youtubeリンク: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZSqo7cknXMyyLgXD3n3oWA
goast.ai Linkedinリンク: https://www.linkedin.com/company/goast-ai/
goast.ai Twitterリンク: https://twitter.com/goast_ai
作者:Tejal Sushir 7月 05 2024に
Watch AI fix a real production error and iterate using developer feedback
In this video, watch Goast automatically fix a real production error. Goast generates a fix but I noticed that I wanted to make a change so the code was more resilient. So, I gave Goast feedback about what I wanted to it do instead and it made a new commit with those updates. Learn more and try it out yourself at https://goast.ai
Watch AI Fix a Bug in its Own Code (Goast.ai)
In this video, watch Goast.AI automatically fix a bug in it's own code! We've been using Goast to save time and effort fixing bugs in the Goast platform itself. I'm able to merge a GitHub PR in minutes, rather than going through all the normal steps involved in fixing a bug. Our platform automatically ingests issue data from Sentry, Datadog, Google Cloud, or BugSnag. Then Goast analyzes the exception, generates a solution, and pushes the fix as a PR for your team to review. Get a fix before you know there’s an issue. Stop wasting time dealing with exceptions with Goast.ai. Learn more and try it out yourself or book a demo at https://goast.ai Tech stack: Firebase Google Cloud Run OpenAI GPT-4 Google Gemini Google BigQuery ML React NX Typescript Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/cketcham Follow Goast on Twitter: https://twitter.com/goast_ai 00:00 Video Intro 00:13 See the issue and exception 00:31 The exception in Sentry 00:39 What did the AI do to fix it? 00:50 Did it actually fix it? 01:00 Video Outro
goast.ai Automatically Fixes App Bug
This is a demo of how the goastVS extension can be used to automatically fix bugs in your application. Get the extension here: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=goast-ai.goast Visit https://goast.ai for more info and to sign up for the mailing list. Join us on discord! https://discord.gg/MqqSZGETUb