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AI Creates an Online Course for You in Heights Platform
Building an online course or community but dont know where to start? Our AI-powered features for creators can build a course draft for you in less than a minute, all you need to do is type in a title. Hundreds of our creators are using these AI features already. If you are building a course or private community join our waitlist to get access to Heights Platform’s new AI tools on HeightsPlatform.com #ai #aitools #aitoolsforbusiness #creatortools #solopreneur
The Five Dysfunctions of a Team exercise is a powerful tool for identifying and addressing key areas that hinder team performance. Based on Patrick Lencioni's model, it focuses on five core dysfunctions: Absence of Trust, Fear of Conflict, Lack of Commitment, Avoidance of Accountability, and Inattention to Results. To conduct the exercise: - Start by gathering your team and necessary materials for a 45-minute session. - Explain the purpose of the exercise and encourage open participation. - Have team members individually evaluate each dysfunction, then facilitate a group discussion to share insights and identify root causes. - Develop S.M.A.R.T. priorities, establish a reward system, assign responsibilities, monitor progress, and adjust as needed. This structured approach enhances team performance and fosters a positive, collaborative work environment. You can join the Connect The Dots Scaling Up Resource Center for a full guide on developing this exercise and a downloadable copy of the tool. You'll gain access comprehensive Scaling Up tools and guidelines and receive personalised feedback. Go at your own pace and focus on the key aspects that need immediate attention in your business to streamline processes and communication and deliver results. This program will help you implement targeted strategies and effectively achieve your organisational goals. Join the Connect The Dots Scaling Up Resource Center today: https://ctd.heightsplatform.com/courses/implementing-the-scaling-up-methodologies-to-grow-your-business?utm_source=in_profile&utm_medium=Glenn+Marvin&utm_campaign=publer I Help Growth Focused Leaders Sustainably Scale Their Company Valuation 5x to 10x Within 3-5 years. Ring the 🔔 on my profile to be notified of my posts 🗓️ Use The Book A Call Link In My Profile 🗓️ #ScalingUp @Scalingupcoaches @scalingupnz #Leadership #Strategy #Growth ➡️ Follow My Hashtag #AskGlennMarvin