Ipsotek Ltdは、空港、都市監視、商業部門、政府機関、公共空間、道路、交通など、幅広い産業向けに先進の人工知能によるビデオアナリティクスソリューションを提供しています。VISuite AI、VISuite FR、VISuite Forensics、VISuite Investigation、VISuite LPR、VISenseなどの製品を提供しています。
Ipsotekのビデオアナリティクスソリューションを活用するためには、VISuite AI、VISuite FR、またはVISenseなどの適切な製品を選択し、要件に基づいて統合します。選択したソリューションを既存のセキュリティインフラに統合して、監視と安全の向上を実現します。
さらに連絡するには、お問い合わせページ (https://www.ipsotek.com/contact-us/) にアクセスしてください。
Video Analytics powered by AI - Ipsotek Ltd 会社名: Ipsotek Ltd 。
Video Analytics powered by AI - Ipsotek Ltd について詳しくは、会社概要ページ (https://www.ipsotek.com/about-us/) をご覧ください。 。
Video Analytics powered by AI - Ipsotek Ltd Youtubeリンク: https://www.youtube.com/user/Ipsotek
Video Analytics powered by AI - Ipsotek Ltd Linkedinリンク: https://www.linkedin.com/company/ipsotek-ltd
Video Analytics powered by AI - Ipsotek Ltd Twitterリンク: https://twitter.com/Ipsotek
Unveiling AI-Powered VISuite Solutions for Smart, Safe and Secure Train and Rail Stations
Dive into the world of smart, safe, and secure stations with Ipsotek VISuite, a comprehensive computer vision solution designed to transform your train station experience. In this video, we'll take you on a guided tour of VISuite's features, showcasing how it can: Improve Safety: Discover how VISuite uses advanced AI to detect suspicious activity, monitor crowds, and prevent crime. Enhance Operations: See how VISuite supports processes and business intelligence including passenger flow management and incident response. Optimise Security: Witness VISuite's real-time video analytics capabilities that ensure the safety of passengers and staff. Want to learn more? Visit our website: https://www.ipsotek.com/
Eviden Computer Vision powered by Ipsotek VISuite - Applications, Verticals and Experience
Transform your video data into actionable insights with Eviden's Computer Vision Platform powered by Ipsotek VISuite. Computer Vision and AI Video Analytics play a crucial role across verticals, applications and use cases. Find out more today visit ipsotek.com
Ipsotek at Intersec - 2024 Updates and Launching Hospitality Offering
Dr Boghos Boghossian, Sales Director and CTO for Ipsotek speaks to @internationalsecurityjourn2540 where the company’s focus is on this year from a technological perspective, while Mohammed Makiya, Operations Director, Middle East at Ipsotek and Ali Bou Hassoun, Head of Security at the Media One Hotel, Dubai bring their insight into a recent project that brought improved security and enhanced customer experiences to the hotel. Find out more: ipsotek.com