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Italian A1 Vocabulary Anki | Learn Italian by Using This Anki Deck With 1858 Cards!
Timestamps 0:00 Introduction and Agenda 0:25 Course Structure 01:20 Decks Overview 08:40 Brief editing options https://languageatlas.com/ This is where you can read more about the Italian A1 Vocabulary Anki Deck: https://languageatlas.com/anki/italian-a1-vocabulary-anki/ This is where you can buy the Italian A1 Vocabulary Anki Deck: https://languageatlas.com/italian-a1-vocabulary-anki-deck/
French A1 Anki Deck | Learn French by Using This Anki Deck With 3746 Cards!
1. Timestamps 0:00 Introduction and Agenda 0:34 Course Structure 05:07 Course Content 16:04 Brief editing options 2. Links to Products https://languageatlas.com/ This is where you can read more about the French A1 Anki Deck: https://languageatlas.com/anki/french-a1-anki/ This is where you can buy the French A1 Anki Deck: https://languageatlas.com/complete-french-a1-anki-deck/ This French A1 Anki Deck is the complete set because it contains both the Grammar and the Vocabulary of French A1. 3. Links to Other Videos Do you want to see even more course content? Well, you are able to do so! I have made a separate video on both French A1 Grammar and French A1 Vocabulary. In those videos I show different chapters and decks: French A1 Grammar Video: https://youtu.be/Ng-PPUCLlNc French A1 Vocabulary Video: https://youtu.be/XED36tErKXo
French B2 Anki Deck | Learn French by Using This Anki Deck With 4174 Cards!
1. Timestamps 0:00 Introduction and Agenda 0:34 Course Structure 04:24 Course Content 17:04 Brief editing options 2. Links to Products https://languageatlas.com/ This is where you can read more about the French B2 Anki Deck: https://languageatlas.com/anki/french-b2-anki/ This is where you can buy the French B2 Anki Deck: https://languageatlas.com/complete-french-b2-anki-deck/ This French B2 Anki Deck is the complete set because it contains both the Grammar and the Vocabulary of French B2. 3. Links to Other Videos Do you want to see even more course content? Well, you are able to do so! I have made a separate video on both French B2 Grammar and French B2 Vocabulary. In those videos I show different chapters and decks: French B2 Grammar Video: https://youtu.be/oIedPQL_bCU French B2 Vocabulary Video: https://youtu.be/IUyhJK3D1uQ