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1月 03 2025
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AI パワード評価基準作成ツールの必須15機能をご紹介します。教育者にとってのゲームチェンジャーです!
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Discover 15 Inspiring AI写真編集のロゴ、Toolify AIによるものです!これらの創造的なロゴでデザインのクオリティを高めましょう。クリックして探索しましょう!
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Spend Time Berjam-jam semata-mata untuk 1 Logo ja? 😮💨 Guna ja Looka.com ni 👍🏻 #Looka #logo #bisnes #tipsandtricks #iphone #tiktokguru #tiktokmalaysia
21 INSANE AI Tools YOU Should Be Using #ai #aitools
In this video, I will share with you the 24 Insane AI Tools Every Creator Should Be Using today, to: - To create content quickly and efficiently - Maximise your productivity - Save your time - Deliver great quality work - Become Content Creation Ninja All AI Tools links: 01. ChatGPT → https://chat.openai.com/ 02. Copy AI → https://www.copy.ai/ 03. MidJourney → https://www.midjourney.com/ 04. Adobe Podcast → https://podcast.adobe.com/enhance 05. cleanvoice.ai → https://cleanvoice.ai/ 06. Premiere Scene Detection → (Inbuild tool in Adobe Premiere) 07. Re-Mix your Music → (Inbuild tool in Adobe Premiere) 08. Notion AI → https://www.notion.so/ 09. Lensa → https://prisma-ai.com/lensa 10. YouTube Summary Video ChatGPT→ https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/youtube-article-summary-p/nmmicjeknamkfloonkhhcjmomieiodli 11. Cleanup. pictures → https://cleanup.pictures/ 12. beatoven.ai → https://www.beatoven.ai/ 13. Get Munch → https://www.getmunch.com/ 14. Vidyo.ai → https://vidyo.ai/ 15. Captions → https://www.captions.ai/ 16. Wisecut → https://www.wisecut.video/ 17. Megaphone → https://megaphone.spotify.com/ 18. synthesia.io → https://www.synthesia.io/ 19. Pictory.ai → https://pictory.ai/ 20. Eleven labs → https://beta.elevenlabs.io/ 21. Animate From Audio → https://express.adobe.com/express-apps/animate-from-audio/ 22. soundraw.io → https://soundraw.io/ 23. looka.com → https://looka.com/ 24. Futurepedia.io → https://www.futurepedia.io/ *************************************************************************************** Timestamps: 00:00 - 00:55 Intro 00:56 - 02:42 ChatGPT 02:43 - 05:25 Copy.AI 05:26 - 08:01 Midjourney 08:02 - 09:41 Adobe Podcast 09:42 - 10:03 cleanvoice.ai 10:04 - 10:43 Premiere Scene Detection 10:44 - 11:05 Re-Mix your Music 11:06 - 12:17 Notion AI 12:18 - 13:11 Lensa 13:12 - 14:11 YouTube Summary Video ChatGPT 14:12 - 14:45 Cleanup. pictures 14:46 - 16:03 beatoven.ai 16:04 - 17:18 Get Munch 17:19 - 18:37 Vidyo.ai 18:38 - 19:00 Captions 19:01 - 19:56 Wisecut 19:57 - 20:20 Megaphone 20:21 - 20:41 synthesia.io 20:42 - 22:10 Pictory.ai 22:11 - 23:19 Eleven labs 23:20 - 24:34 Animate From Audio 24:35 - 24:50 Soundraw.io 24:51 - 25:52 Looka.com 25:53 - 27:10 Futurepedia.io *************************************************************************************** Go download our app now https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.zeeshanshaikh *************************************************************************************** Follow Us On: https://www.instagram.com/iamseeken/ https://www.instagram.com/seeken101/ https://www.facebook.com/seekeners/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/zeeshan-shaikh-7229a2135/
21 INSANE AI Tools YOU Should Be Using #ai #aitools
In this video, I will share with you the 24 Insane AI Tools Every Creator Should Be Using today, to: - To create content quickly and efficiently - Maximise your productivity - Save your time - Deliver great quality work - Become Content Creation Ninja All AI Tools links: 01. ChatGPT → https://chat.openai.com/ 02. Copy AI → https://www.copy.ai/ 03. MidJourney → https://www.midjourney.com/ 04. Adobe Podcast → https://podcast.adobe.com/enhance 05. cleanvoice.ai → https://cleanvoice.ai/ 06. Premiere Scene Detection → (Inbuild tool in Adobe Premiere) 07. Re-Mix your Music → (Inbuild tool in Adobe Premiere) 08. Notion AI → https://www.notion.so/ 09. Lensa → https://prisma-ai.com/lensa 10. YouTube Summary Video ChatGPT→ https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/youtube-article-summary-p/nmmicjeknamkfloonkhhcjmomieiodli 11. Cleanup. pictures → https://cleanup.pictures/ 12. beatoven.ai → https://www.beatoven.ai/ 13. Get Munch → https://www.getmunch.com/ 14. Vidyo.ai → https://vidyo.ai/ 15. Captions → https://www.captions.ai/ 16. Wisecut → https://www.wisecut.video/ 17. Megaphone → https://megaphone.spotify.com/ 18. synthesia.io → https://www.synthesia.io/ 19. Pictory.ai → https://pictory.ai/ 20. Eleven labs → https://beta.elevenlabs.io/ 21. Animate From Audio → https://express.adobe.com/express-apps/animate-from-audio/ 22. soundraw.io → https://soundraw.io/ 23. looka.com → https://looka.com/ 24. Futurepedia.io → https://www.futurepedia.io/ *************************************************************************************** Timestamps: 00:00 - 00:55 Intro 00:56 - 02:42 ChatGPT 02:43 - 05:25 Copy.AI 05:26 - 08:01 Midjourney 08:02 - 09:41 Adobe Podcast 09:42 - 10:03 cleanvoice.ai 10:04 - 10:43 Premiere Scene Detection 10:44 - 11:05 Re-Mix your Music 11:06 - 12:17 Notion AI 12:18 - 13:11 Lensa 13:12 - 14:11 YouTube Summary Video ChatGPT 14:12 - 14:45 Cleanup. pictures 14:46 - 16:03 beatoven.ai 16:04 - 17:18 Get Munch 17:19 - 18:37 Vidyo.ai 18:38 - 19:00 Captions 19:01 - 19:56 Wisecut 19:57 - 20:20 Megaphone 20:21 - 20:41 synthesia.io 20:42 - 22:10 Pictory.ai 22:11 - 23:19 Eleven labs 23:20 - 24:34 Animate From Audio 24:35 - 24:50 Soundraw.io 24:51 - 25:52 Looka.com 25:53 - 27:10 Futurepedia.io *************************************************************************************** Go download our app now https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.zeeshanshaikh *************************************************************************************** Follow Us On: https://www.instagram.com/iamseeken/ https://www.instagram.com/seeken101/ https://www.facebook.com/seekeners/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/zeeshan-shaikh-7229a2135/