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14 UNIQUE Mac Apps You Can’t Live Without!
Here's 14 free Mac apps you'll want to install! These apps and tools will help secure your Mac or MacBook, boost productivity, and get the most out of your Mac without spending a dime! If I've missed any great free Mac apps, feel free to share them in the comments. Essential Mac Apps to Get – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-sqj6ws6FMg Wallpapers – https://andrewethanzeng.gumroad.com/ Clyde – https://theclyde.app/ Portal – https://portal.app/mac Hazeover – https://hazeover.com/ Al Dente – https://apphousekitchen.com/ Itsycal – https://www.mowglii.com/itsycal/ Monitor Control – https://github.com/MonitorControl/MonitorControl/releases/tag/v4.2.0 PDFGear – https://www.pdfgear.com/ Transnomino – https://www.transnomino.com/ Photomater – https://www.pixelmator.com/photomator/ Recut – https://getrecut.com/?ref=aez HEIC Converter – https://apps.apple.com/us/app/heic-converter/id1294126402?mt=12 XNIP – https://xnipapp.com/ Handbrake – https://handbrake.fr/downloads.php Hand Mirror – https://handmirror.app/ ✅ Drop a like and subscribe if you enjoy this video, thank you for your support! 🥏 Sub for more ↪ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgDqL4yzXb4BflimZaxL4Vg?sub_confirmation=1 🥏 LET’S CONNECT ↪ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/andrewethanzeng/ ↪ TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@andrewethanzeng ↪ Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/andrewethanzeng/ ↪ Newsletter - https://newsletter.andrewethanzeng.com/ ↪ Website & Blog - https://www.andrewethanzeng.com/ 🥏 GEAR ↪ Current Setup - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGLWzsul0GxqShKHdOUbc6PlpmXxKLmLM ↪ Full Kit List - https://kit.co/AndrewEthanZeng ↪ My Fav Desk Accessories (“AEZ10” for 10% off) - https://bit.ly/grovemade_aezdiscount ↪ Start an Online Store - https://www.shopify.com/free-trial/andrewethanzeng 🥏 VIDEO CHAPTERS 0:00 – Introduction 0:28 – Mac Security Lock 1:20 – Focus Portal 2:24 – Single-Window Dimmer 3:38 – Battery Life 4:34 – Toolbar Cal 5:38 – Monitor Control 6:28 – PDF Gear 7:57 – Auto File Namer 9:26 – Photomater 11:20 – Recut 12:34 – HEIC Conveter 13:26 – Screenshots 14:30 – Handbrake 15:40 – Hand Mirror BUSINESS INQUIRIES: contact@andrewethanzeng.com I may earn commission from some of the links above (thank you in advance for supporting our channel) #mac #apps 14 UNIQUE Mac Apps You Can’t Live Without!
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10 Best Free Software Applications to replace paid subscriptions. Windows, Linux, and Mac
In this video, I show you 10 Best Free software applications that can save you hundreds of dollars a year in paid subscriptions. I cover everything from PDF editors, Office Productivity suites, Optimization tools, Image editing, and Security Software.. #FreeSoftware #SaveMoney #FreeApps #ProductivityTools Full Installation videos: Libre Office https://youtu.be/FfWif2pT9RA PDFGear, https://youtu.be/Lf2dRhk6df8 Stirling PDF https://youtu.be/F8cB0MdAXw8 GIMP https://youtu.be/VmZEuoCMptk Share X, https://youtu.be/HFdQ9c2BhBM Thunderbird e-mail https://youtu.be/RpQWnbWlwyk PC manager https://youtu.be/I6V591RcWvE Revo Uninstaller https://youtu.be/XaZq2Q3lGKg Bitdefender antivirus https://youtu.be/z0UtTg4g9EQ Proton VPN https://youtu.be/RFQykpzLbdo Program sites: Libre Office https://www.libreoffice.org/ PDFGear, https://www.pdfgear.com/ Stirling PDF https://www.stirlingpdf.com/ GIMP https://www.gimp.org/ Share X, https://getsharex.com/ Thunderbird e-mail https://www.thunderbird.net/en-US/ PC manager https://pcmanager.microsoft.com/en-us Revo Uninstaller (Free Version) https://www.revouninstaller.com/revo-uninstaller-free-download/ Bitdefender antivirus (Free Version) https://www.bitdefender.com/en-us/consumer/free-antivirus Proton VPN (Free Version) https://protonvpn.com/free-vpn?srsltid=AfmBOopi5K6xcrYZkwbppBB0eHjGOeyrOd8uGRHaX9Z1i7U-5lMQGfq2 This is not a paid promotion. Please like and share! As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases at ZERO additional cost to you Gear used in this video: If you need a flash drive: Flash drive: https://amzn.to/4es9q0y Camera - DGI Osmo Pocket 3: https://amzn.to/40qaYVs Samson Microphone Q2U USB/XLR https://amzn.to/3YLEGTu I started YouTube for less than $100 with the below gear Logitech Prostream webcam: https://amzn.to/4gLbmU1 PoP Lapel Microphone: https://amzn.to/4ejTvCj HDMI/USB-C Video capture device: https://amzn.to/3BxCnu0 AV video capture device: https://amzn.to/4gLrS6I USB-C extension cable: https://amzn.to/3TLxSlO Remote light: https://amzn.to/4gLngO0 Mini Tri-pod: https://amzn.to/4eJrgMU Amazon tripod: https://amzn.to/3zqIwYA _________________________________________________ Chapters: 0:00 - Introduction 0:55 - LibreOffice 2:47 - PDFGear 3:42 - Stirling PDF 5:40 - GIMP Image Editor 7:58 - ShareX screenshot tool 10:11 - Thunderbird email application 11:56 - PC Manager Windows Optimization 13:36 - Revo Uninstaller and Optimization tool 15:17 - Bitdefender Antivirus Free 16:44 - Proton VPN 17:45 - Conclusion ___________________________________________