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Quest - Easiest way to build React Apps using AI
Build your ideas faster than ever with the power of AI/GPT. Got a wireframe (or a Figma design)? Generate working ReactJS. Clean and extendable code based on your design system. Quest has native support for MUI and Chakra UI design systems and component libraries. Copy & paste from their official kits to get working buttons, text fields, checkboxes, etc. Use variants from Figma for states, breakpoints and CSS animations. Export as JS/TS, React or NextJS. Or simply sync directly to your GitHub branch. Transform your design-to-dev workflow! Learn more here: https://quest.ai Get the Figma plugin: https://quest.ai/figma Docs: https://docs.quest.ai/react/ Our social accounts Twitter: https://twitter.com/MadeWithQuestAI Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/madewithquest/ Thanks for watching ;)
Quest - Convert Figma to React
Import Figma designs and instantly convert them into React components. Quest has native support for MUI and Chakra UI design systems and component libraries. Copy & paste from their official kits to get working buttons, text fields, checkboxes, etc. Use variants from Figma for states, breakpoints and CSS animations. Create fully responsive components when using Auto layout in Figma. Export NextJS or CRA in JS or TS. Or simply sync directly to your GitHub branch. Save days of frontend dev time by using Quest, the only frontend platform that fits into and lets your team keep their current workflow. Bring your design and dev together to build products faster than ever thought possible. Learn more here: https://quest.ai Get the Figma plugin: https://quest.ai/figma Docs: https://docs.quest.ai/react/ Our social accounts Twitter: https://twitter.com/MadeWithQuestAI Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/madewithquest/ Thanks for watching ;)
【高效率 AI 軟體】智慧未來來臨!6 款 AI 軟體讓你的工作更輕鬆!
▬▬▬▬▬ 🏆️ 精選系列 🏆️ ▬▬▬▬▬ 如何架站系列 ➜ https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKi8XMULNrZyJ-m5pVhBWy-Kylj2zdjOb 優質主機挑選 ➜ https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKi8XMULNrZzOmLBGvrshBUawpQcG3JCg - 最近人工智能的議題已經越來越火爆,我也花了許多時間在研究更強的 AI 工具,希望能幫助你提升網頁製作的能力! 在這部影片,我整理了全新 6 款熱門的 AI 工具。範圍涵蓋像是 AI 平面設計、AI 數位白板、強化 Figma 的 AI 工具、多功能的 AI 協作平台、用 AI 產生網站程式碼,還有使用 AI 進行修圖等多種平台...。 希望這部影片能有效讓你站在時代的尖端,讓 AI 賦能給你更多強大的工作能力! 影片時間軸 00:00 開頭 00:35 Simplified 03:39 magician.design 04:16 fabrie 06:04 Jeda 08:33 QUEST 09:58 PhotoRoom 12:03 結尾分享 ▬▬▬▬▬ 💡 相關教學&資源 💡 ▬▬▬▬ Simplified:https://simplified.com/ magician.design:https://magician.design/ Fabrie:https://www.fabrie.com/ Jeda:https://www.jeda.ai/ QUEST:https://www.quest.ai/ PhotoRoom:https://www.photoroom.com/ ▬▬▬▬▬ 💬 關注我們 💬 ▬▬▬▬▬ 犬哥網站 ➜ https://frankknow.com 犬哥數位(網頁設計 x 網路行銷服務)➜ https://frankknow.co IG 圖文教學 ➜ https://www.instagram.com/wp.dog 互助社團(幫你解決網站架設的問題)➜ https://www.facebook.com/groups/frankknow #ai #aiart #chatgpt #ai繪圖 #figma #網頁設計 #simplified #magician.design #fabrie #jeda #quest #photoroom