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How to use Smart Paste Autofill Feature
Introducing Smart Paste - the ultimate tool for hassle-free data entry! With Smart Paste, you can autofill forms using table data or information extracted from other tabs. In this video we use Salesforce as an example workflow of how you'd use Smart Paste to fill a contact form in or a PDF form using table data or extracted fields information! Don't waste any more time on tedious data entry tasks. Download Smart Paste now and make your life easier! Download for Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/smart-paste/gmjbokljijbegndgfhbmobaniejnaali Learn more at https://www.smartpaste.io/ Core Features: - Extract data from websites/PDFs (e.g. name, bio, current title from LinkedIn pages) - Extract data into Excel - Extract tables from PDFs - Fill forms from a table of data - Fill forms from fields extracted from other websites