ストーリーマシン の Discord は次のとおりです: https://discord.gg/dmYQTbaNpy。 Discord メッセージの詳細については、ここ (/ja/discord/dmyqtbanpy) をクリックしてください。
カスタマー サービスの ストーリーマシン サポート メールは次のとおりです: info@robotinvader.com 。
ストーリーマシン 会社名: Robot Invader 。
ストーリーマシン ログイン リンク: https://accounts.trystorymachine.com/?signin
ストーリーマシン Twitterリンク: https://twitter.com/storymachinedev
Story Machine Game Engine Alpha Trailer
Story Machine is a general-purpose, cross-platform 2D game engine with AI image generation for prototyping built right in. http://trystorymachine.com Can't code? No problem. Story Machine provides a no-code interface for game logic and animation. Can't draw? Fear not! Story Machine integrates several AI image generation techniques and dynamically chooses the model best suited to your needs. Anybody with a story to tell should be able to make a video game quickly and easily. That's the premise of Story Machine. Story Machine is coming in 2023. To learn more, visit our web site (http://trystorymachine.com) and sign up for updates.
Beacon's Bluff Official Trailer
Solve unearthly puzzles and become engrossed in this discerning horror mystery story. Beacon's Bluff is the first in the Story Machine Shorts series, built entirely with the Story Machine game engine. Play it on Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2321000/Beacons_Bluff/ And check out Story Machine: http://trystorymachine.com