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作者:Sebastian 3月 31 2024に
あなたのブレインストーミングセッションを次の10の革新的なAIアイデアジェネレーター戦略で活性化しましょう。Toolify AIから、創造性のための人工知能の力を発見してください!
VenturusAI's instant MBA & Samantha Wong on identifying soon-to-explode startup markets | E1777
(0:00) Emanuel joins Jason (1:30) VenturusAI origin story (5:20) The evolution of prompt engineering (9:09) Embroker - Use code TWIST to get an extra 10% off insurance at https://Embroker.com/twist (10:23) The true cost of building on top of a LLM (12:56) Building vertical AI solutions (18:15) VenturusAI demo (23:36) Vanta - Get $1000 off your SOC 2 at https://vanta.com/twist (24:42) VenturusAI path to 100 customers (29:51) Next steps for VenturusAI (35:40) Jason places a bet (40:28) Superside - Go to https://superside.com/twist to get $2000 off with Superside's Startup Accelerator package (41:53) Blackbird VC's Samantha Wong on identifying soon-to-explode startup markets at Angel Summit Subscribe to This Week in Startups on Apple: https://rb.gy/v19fcp Check Out VenturusAI: https://venturusai.com FOLLOW Samantha: https://twitter.com/holasammy FOLLOW Jason: https://linktr.ee/calacanis Thanks to our partners: (9:09) Embroker - Use code TWIST to get an extra 10% off insurance at https://Embroker.com/twist (23:36) Vanta - Get $1000 off your SOC 2 at https://vanta.com/twist (40:28) Superside - Go to https://superside.com/twist to get $2000 off with Superside's Startup Accelerator package Listen here: Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/this-week-in-startups-audio/id315114957 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6ULQ0ewYf5zmsDgBchlkr9 Overcast: https://overcast.fm/itunes315114957/this-week-in-startups-audio More from us: Twitter: https://twitter.com/twistartups Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thisweekinstartups Official site: https://thisweekinstartups.com Subscribe to our YouTube to watch all full episodes: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkkhmBWfS7pILYIk0izkc3A?sub_confirmation=1 Subscribe to TWiST Clips for all the best moments: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCS7tJlcUA6PzVHEMo-X7ddg?sub_confirmation=1 #startups #entrepreneurship #investing #angelinvesting #tech #news #business
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