Writers Brewは、macOS向けのAIライティングアシスタントアプリです。ブラウザ、ネイティブアプリ、およびElectronアプリ全てでシームレスに動作します。さまざまなライティングツールを提供し、テキストの生成、文法や流暢さの向上、コンテンツの要約、テキストの翻訳などにより、ユーザーがより良く、より速く書くことをサポートします。
Writers Brewを使用するには、まずアプリをmacOSにダウンロードしてインストールします。アプリをメールアドレス、ライセンスキー、およびOpenAIキーでアクティベートした後、3つの異なる方法でアクセスできます:フルアプリ、メニューバーアプリ、またはドロップダウンアプリとして。アプリはテキストエディタ、ブラウザ、その他のアプリケーションで使用できます。Writers BrewのAI機能を使用して、テキストの生成、既存のコンテンツの編集、メールへの返信、画像からのテキストの抽出などを行うことができます。
ライターズブルー 価格リンク: https://writersbrew.app/#pricing
ライターズブルー Youtubeリンク: https://www.youtube.com/user/company
ライターズブルー Twitterリンク: https://twitter.com/writersbrew_
12 AI Micro SaaS Examples That Actually Make Money [PART #2]
💻 Build a Micro SaaS Academy: https://www.buildamicrosaas.com OTHER COURSES 👇 🤖 Copy This Profitable Micro SaaS: https://www.buildamicrosaas.com/copyaprofitablemicrosaas 🚀 Launch a Micro SaaS With Me: https://www.buildamicrosaas.com/launchamicrosaaswithme 🖥️ Frontend Micro SaaS Templates: https://www.buildamicrosaas.com/frontendtemplates ✍️ Copywriting for Devs: https://www.buildamicrosaas.com/copywriting 🎥 Organic YouTube for SaaS: https://www.buildamicrosaas.com/freeorganictraffic _______ 💡 Free Micro SaaS Ideas: https://www.buildamicrosaas.com/ideas _______ Welcome back to SaaS University! In this second part of our series on AI micro SaaS examples that are making real money, we bring you twelve more inspiring stories from the world of software as a service. These innovative AI startups have carved out niches, solved problems, and generated revenue using AI technologies. We'll explore companies like Sticai, Liarliar.ai, Scrap.so, Trickle.so, Formwise.ai, Writersbrew.app, Userdesk.io, Orimon.ai, Lifelight AI Journal & Note, Skills.ai Analytics, Teamsmart.ai, and Copygen.ai. Each of these startups has a unique approach and a successful business model. By understanding their strategies and successes, you can gain valuable insights into the potential of AI in the micro SaaS space. Don't miss this opportunity to learn from these AI micro SaaS success stories and discover how you can apply their lessons to your own ventures. Watch now and get inspired! https://sticai.com/ https://liarliar.ai/ https://scrap.so/ https://www.trickle.so/ https://www.formwise.ai/ https://writersbrew.app/ https://userdesk.io/ https://orimon.ai/ https://apps.apple.com/us/app/lifelight-ai-journal-note/id1631169735?platform=mac https://skills.ai/analytics/ https://www.teamsmart.ai/ https://www.copygen.ai/
Writers brew AI for macOS - Dropdown v2 feature that works across all apps and browsers
Writers brew AI writing assistant for macOS One Assistant that works across all apps & browsers. What is it? Currently, all the AI assistants are proprietary to their own platforms, which is not great for end users coz this pushes the user to buy AI tools for each and every app or website they are using. This is where Writer's brew comes in and aims to fix the problem. 1️⃣ The app is readily available at your finger tips anytime - be it a browser, electron app or native app. 2️⃣ It comes with 4+ different user flows to ensure it can adapt to any workflow you're in (from an extension to a full app). 3️⃣ It costs you 10x to 100x cheaper compared to other AI services. 4️⃣ All the user generated data stored locally(by default) 5️⃣ 50+ presets or Build your own presets. 6️⃣ It turn your boring (any) text editor to AI text editor. many more... In short, writer's brew app is here - to write for you, write with you, read for you and be a critique. The app will launch first on macOS, later on iOS, iPadOS. Join the private beta from here https://writersbrew.app #raycast #writersbrew #AI #assistant #writing #macbook #macos #productivity
Writers brew app - Chat with quick presets 🎉
Writers brew AI writing assistant for macOS One Assistant that works across all apps & browsers. What is it? Currently, all the AI assistants are proprietary to their own platforms, which is not great for end users coz this pushes the user to buy AI tools for each and every app or website they are using. This is where Writer's brew comes in and aims to fix the problem. 1️⃣ The app is readily available at your finger tips anytime - be it a browser, electron app or native app. 2️⃣ It comes with 4+ different user flows to ensure it can adapt to any workflow you're in (from an extension to a full app). 3️⃣ It costs you 10x to 100x cheaper compared to other AI services. 4️⃣ All the user generated data stored locally(by default) 5️⃣ 50+ presets or Build your own presets. 6️⃣ It turn your boring (any) text editor to AI text editor. 7️⃣ Chat to ask anything & follow-up anything many more... In short, writer's brew app is here - to write for you, write with you, read for you and be a critique. The app will launch first on macOS, later on iOS, iPadOS. Download the app from here - https://writersbrew.app #raycast #writersbrew #AI #assistant #writing #macbook #macos #productivity