By Jesse W Aycock 호출 횟수: 1 추가된 시간: 3월 22 2024 Gpt updated time: 2월 02 2024
Provide feedback on student assignment using rubric.
English I Feeding Disaster Victims on ChatGPT is a website that aims to provide support and feedback to students on their written submissions.
Criminology 4.01B on ChatGPT is an online platform that allows instructors to provide feedback on student assignments using a rubric.
Photography 5.03A on ChatGPT is a platform designed for providing feedback on student assignments using a rubric.
Engineering 4.04A on ChatGPT is a platform that allows users to provide feedback on student assignments using a rubric.
Engineering 5.02A on ChatGPT is a platform where students can provide feedback on student discussion posts.