

By Jing Wu 호출 횟수: 100 추가된 시간: 3월 27 2024 Gpt updated time: 3월 06 2024

主要用途:用于记录日常 AI 的使用. 常用命令:/hi 开启一天的对话 /bye 结束一天的对话 /ls 查看所有命令


ChatGPT에서 日常GPTS使用助手의 기능

Tägliche KI-Nutzung aufzeichnen

ChatGPT에서 日常GPTS使用助手을 사용하기에 적합한 사람은 누구인가요?

Das Daily GPTS Assistant auf ChatGPT ist ein Tool, das entwickelt wurde, um die Verwendung von KI im täglichen Leben aufzuzeichnen.

ChatGPT で 日常GPTS使用助手 クイックスタートを使用するにはどうすればよいですか?

1. Öffnen Sie ChatGPT
2. Verwenden Sie den Befehl /hi, um ein Gespräch zu beginnen
3. Verwenden Sie den ganzen Tag über KI-Befehle
4. Verwenden Sie den Befehl /bye, um das Gespräch zu beenden

ChatGPT에서 日常GPTS使用助手을 어떻게 사용하나요?

Um ein Gespräch für den Tag zu beginnen, verwenden Sie den Befehl /hi. Um das Gespräch für den Tag zu beenden, verwenden Sie den Befehl /bye. Um alle verfügbaren Befehle anzuzeigen, verwenden Sie den Befehl /ls.

ChatGPT의 日常GPTS使用助手 태그

tägliche Nutzung

ChatGPT의 日常GPTS使用助手에 대한 FAQ

Was sind die Hauptfunktionen des Daily GPTS Assistant?

Jing Wu의 더보기


CP-Picture(看图说话) on ChatGPT helps users describe the content and emotions of images, creating refined monologues to add personality to their shares. The tool supports both Chinese and English and is suitable for a variety of occasions.

Jing Wu 4월 03 2024 - Chats: 5
Image Description
Emotion Analysis
T3(P) 日常GPTS使用助手(demo)

T3(P) Daily GPTS Assistant (demo) on ChatGPT. An example of consolidating multiple common functions into one gpts. You can use this prompt to create an AI assistant that suits your daily habits.

T3(P) 日常GPTS使用助手(demo)
Jing Wu 3월 27 2024 - Chats: 30
AI Assistant
Voice Note

Voice Note on ChatGPT is a tool that allows users to convert their voice into well-written text with proper formatting. It helps to capture and refine ideas, inspirations, and thoughts. The tool supports Simplified Chinese language.

Voice Note
Jing Wu 3월 24 2024 - Chats: 5

CP-Chatter is an English oral practice platform on ChatGPT. If you are frustrated by the lack of English language environment for learning, the high cost of hiring a real teacher, or your hesitation to speak English, then why not give this English chat companion a try? With CP-Chatter, you can practice and improve your English speaking skills in a comfortable environment.

Jing Wu 3월 22 2024 - Chats: 7
Language Learning

Co-pilot on ChatGPT is an English learning assistant that can help you look up words and do translations.

Jing Wu 2월 18 2024 - Chats: 70
Language Learning

Deeper on ChatGPT is a website that helps you analyze problems in-depth rather than just seeing the surface. It also has a touch of sarcasm.

Jing Wu 11월 23 2023 - Chats: 300
Artificial Intelligence

Mrs. Charming (中) on ChatGPT is an AI-powered platform that generates monologues based on the content and emotions in a given image.

Jing Wu 11월 23 2023 - Chats: 100
Artificial Intelligence
Creative Writing

Mrs. Affection (E) on ChatGPT is an English learning platform that enables users to generate text based on images. Users can upload files and request the AI to generate corresponding English sentences. It is designed to help users improve their English language skills.

Jing Wu 11월 23 2023 - Chats: 100
Language Learning

Emma on ChatGPT offers a delightful and interactive experience designed for users seeking a charming and cute virtual girlfriend.

Jing Wu 11월 30 2023 - Chats: 300
Virtual Companionship
Social Interaction