人工智慧自動製作心智圖 GitMind AI

人工智慧自動製作心智圖 GitMind AI

By gitmind.com 調用次数:20 添加時間: 2024年3月24日 Gpt updated time: 2024年2月23日

GitMind AI幫你捕捉靈感,激發創意!一鍵自動生成心智圖,文檔轉心智圖,AI總結提煉碎片化靈感,為你打造第二智腦


ChatGPT 上的 人工智慧自動製作心智圖 GitMind AI 功能

Automatically create mind maps
Convert documents into mind maps
Summarize and refine fragmented ideas

誰適合在 ChatGPT 上使用 人工智慧自動製作心智圖 GitMind AI?

GitMind AI is an AI-powered tool for automatically creating mind maps. It helps capture ideas and inspire creativity! With just one click, GitMind AI can generate mind maps and convert documents into mind maps. It uses AI to summarize and refine fragmented ideas, creating a second brain for you.

如何在 ChatGPT 上使用 人工智慧自動製作心智圖 GitMind AI 快速入門?

To quickly get started with GitMind AI:
1. Visit the GitMind AI website.
2. Sign up for an account.
3. Choose the type of mind map you want to create or upload a document to convert.
4. Click the 'Generate' button to automatically generate the mind map.
5. Customize the mind map as needed.
6. Save and share your mind map.

如何在 ChatGPT 上使用 人工智慧自動製作心智圖 GitMind AI?

1. Sign up for an account on GitMind AI's website.
2. Choose the type of mind map you want to create or upload a document to convert.
3. Click the 'Generate' button to automatically generate the mind map.
4. Customize the mind map by adding, deleting, or rearranging elements.
5. Save and share your mind map with others.

ChatGPT 標籤上的 人工智慧自動製作心智圖 GitMind AI

mind maps
AI-powered tool

ChatGPT 上有關 人工智慧自動製作心智圖 GitMind AI 的常見問題解答

Is GitMind AI compatible with all file formats?
Can I collaborate with others on a mind map?
Is GitMind AI available for mobile devices?


マインドマップ自動作成・生成ツール By GitMind AI

Automated Mind Map Generation Tool By GitMind AI on ChatGPT

マインドマップ自動作成・生成ツール By GitMind AI
gitmind.com 2024年3月27日 - Chats: 20
GitMind Mindmap

GitMind Mindmap is a powerful tool that allows you to generate and illustrate ideas using the AI capabilities provided by GitMind. With GitMind Mindmap, you can create mind maps and flowcharts on an AI-powered platform, enabling you to brainstorm and explore new inspirations.

GitMind Mindmap
gitmind.com 2024年3月27日 - Chats: 900
Artificial Intelligence
Criador IA de mapa mental pelo GitMind AI

GitMind AI on ChatGPT is an AI-powered mind mapping creator. Create mind maps and flowcharts with AI in just one click!

Criador IA de mapa mental pelo GitMind AI
gitmind.com 2024年3月27日 - Chats: 10
Artificial Intelligence
Hacer mapas mentales con GitMind AI

Create mind maps with GitMind AI on ChatGPT

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GitMind IA Mind Map Creator on ChatGPT

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gitmind.com 2024年3月18日 - Chats: 1
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