Lenovo實施Intel透明供應鏈保證真實性|Chips - Salsa 第39集

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Lenovo實施Intel透明供應鏈保證真實性|Chips - Salsa 第39集

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The Importance of Supply Chain Management
  3. Lenovo's Supply Chain Process
  4. Assurance for Customers
  5. Lenovo's Future Plans
  6. Conclusion

Introduction (#introduction)

Welcome back to Chips and Salsa! In this episode, we will be discussing Intel's transparent supply chain and its implementation at Lenovo. Our special guest, Latrese Shine from Lenovo, will share insights into their supply chain management and how they ensure the authenticity and security of their products.

The Importance of Supply Chain Management (#importance-of-supply-chain-management)

Supply chain management is a critical aspect of any organization's operations. A well-managed supply chain ensures the smooth flow of products from suppliers to customers. It involves multiple entities, such as suppliers, manufacturers, logistics providers, and customers. With the increasing complexity and risks associated with supply chains, it is essential to implement robust measures to prevent counterfeiting and maintain product integrity.

Lenovo's Supply Chain Process (#lenovos-supply-chain-process)

At Lenovo, supply chain management is a top priority. They have established a global supply chain that involves various stakeholders, including external suppliers, software vendors, logistics providers, and manufacturing facilities. Lenovo recognizes the potential risks within the supply chain, such as counterfeit components and compromised firmware, and has implemented measures to address them.

Global Supply Chain (#global-supply-chain)

Lenovo's global supply chain covers the entire journey of a product, from manufacturing to delivery to the customer's facility. It involves the transformation of raw materials into the final product and includes organizations, people, and processes responsible for moving the product. Their supply chain has been ranked as one of the top in the industry.

Counterfeit Prevention (#counterfeit-prevention)

Counterfeit components pose a significant threat to the integrity of a supply chain. Lenovo understands the risks associated with counterfeit activity and works diligently to identify and eliminate any such threats. They focus on ensuring the authenticity of components and provide customers with detailed information about the origin and specifications of each component.

Intel's Transparent Supply Chain (#intels-transparent-supply-chain)

As part of their efforts to maintain a secure supply chain, Lenovo has implemented Intel's transparent supply chain (TSC) program. The program aims to enhance the traceability and accountability of server components. Lenovo collects comprehensive data about every electronic component and microcircuit in their products. This information is stored in an as-built data file and securely transferred to Intel. Intel digitally signs this data and stores it in a web portal accessible by customers, who can verify the authenticity and firmware versions of their systems.

Assurance for Customers (#assurance-for-customers)

Lenovo's implementation of Intel's TSC program provides customers with a high level of assurance regarding the quality and security of their products. By offering digitally signed birth certificates for their systems, Lenovo enables customers to have complete transparency about the origin of components and ensures their trust in the product's authenticity.

Lenovo's Future Plans (#lenovos-future-plans)

Lenovo is continuously working to improve their supply chain processes. They have received positive reviews from Gartner for their efforts in this area. Additionally, they are collaborating with Intel to develop upcoming enhancements to the TSC program, further strengthening the security and transparency of their supply chain.

Conclusion (#conclusion)

In conclusion, Lenovo's implementation of Intel's transparent supply chain program demonstrates their commitment to supply chain security and customer satisfaction. By utilizing robust measures and partnering with industry leaders like Intel, Lenovo ensures the authenticity of their products. With ongoing improvements and future enhancements, Lenovo continues to enhance the trust and confidence of their customers.

透明供應鏈:Lenovo 的安全措施和 Intel TSC 的實施


歡迎回到 Chips and Salsa!在這一集中,我們將討論 Intel 的透明供應鏈及其在 Lenovo 的實施。我們有幸邀請到 Lenovo 的 Latrese Shine 女士,她將分享有關供應鏈管理和如何確保產品的真實性和安全性的見解。



Lenovo 的供應鏈流程

在 Lenovo,供應鏈管理是一項重中之重。他們建立了一個全球供應鏈,涉及各種利益相關者,包括外部供應商、軟件供應商、物流供應商和製造設施。Lenovo 瞭解供應鏈中存在的潛在風險,如偽造部件和受損固件,並已實施措施來解決這些問題。


Lenovo 的全球供應鏈涵蓋產品的整個過程,從製造到交付給客戶的設施。它涉及從原材料到最終產品的轉化過程,並包括負責產品流通的組織、人員和流程。Lenovo 的供應鏈在行業中排名靠前。


偽造部件對供應鏈的完整性構成重大威脅。Lenovo 了解與偽造活動相關的風險,並努力確定並消除任何此類威脅。他們致力於確保組件的真實性,並為客戶提供有關每個組件的來源和規格的詳細信息。

Intel 的透明供應鏈

作為維護安全供應鏈努力的一部分,Lenovo 實施了 Intel 的透明供應鏈(TSC)計劃。該計劃旨在增強服務器組件的可追溯性和責任制。Lenovo 收集有關產品中每個電子組件和微電路板的全面數據,該信息存儲在一個建構文件中,並安全地傳輸給 Intel。Intel 對這些數據進行數碼簽名,並將其存儲在客戶可以訪問的網絡門戶中,客戶可以驗證服務器系統的真實性和固件版本。


Lenovo 實施的 Intel TSC 計劃為客戶提供了對其產品質量和安全性的高度保證。通過提供數位簽名的產品證明,Lenovo 讓客戶對組件的來源具有完全透明度,確保客戶對產品的真實性充滿信心。

Lenovo 的未來計劃

Lenovo 不斷努力改進其供應鏈流程。他們在此領域的努力得到了 Gartner 的好評。此外,他們正在與 Intel 合作開發 TSC 計劃的即將推出的改進措施,進一步增強供應鏈的安全性和透明度。


總之,Lenovo 對 Intel 的透明供應鏈計劃的實施表明他們對供應鏈安全和客戶滿意度的承諾。通過採用強大的措施並與 Intel 等行業領先者合作,Lenovo 確保其產品的真實性。通過持續改進和未來的改進措施,Lenovo 不斷增強客戶對其產品的信任和信心。


  • Lenovo implements Intel's transparent supply chain (TSC) program to ensure the authenticity and security of their products.
  • Their supply chain management focuses on minimizing counterfeit activity and component compromise.
  • The program provides customers with birth certificates digitally signed by Intel, ensuring the origin and specifications of each component.
  • Lenovo's implementation of the TSC program offers customers a high level of assurance regarding the quality and security of their products.
  • They are continuously working on improving their supply chain processes and collaborating with Intel for upcoming enhancements to the TSC program.


Q: What is Lenovo's approach to preventing counterfeit components in their supply chain? A: Lenovo collects comprehensive data about every electronic component and microcircuit in their products, ensuring traceability. They also implement measures to verify the authenticity of components and prevent unauthorized access to their manufacturing facilities.

Q: How can customers access the information about their Lenovo systems' authenticity and firmware versions? A: Customers can access the information through a secure web portal provided by Intel. Lenovo securely transfers the relevant data to Intel, who digitally signs it and makes it accessible to customers.

Q: Does Lenovo's implementation of Intel's TSC program apply to all their products? A: Only customers who choose to participate in the Intel TSC program will have access to the detailed information about their systems. Lenovo collects the data for all the components, but it is sent to Intel and digitally signed only for the participating customers.

Q: Where can customers find more information about Lenovo's implementation of Intel's TSC program? A: Customers can visit Lenovo's website at lenovopress.lenovo.com and search for "Intel transparent supply chain on Lenovo servers." They will find a downloadable white paper that provides more information about the program.

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