Why I Left Christianity: A Calvinist's Journey to Atheism
Raised a Christian, I was born again as a young adult. A mere 5 years later, I had deconverted to atheism. This video follows my personal story of this process, with an emphasis on the Calvinist beliefs of the Presbyterian denomination that I abandoned, and why I became an atheist.
For various reasons, I'm only just beginning to 'go public' with my atheism in my real life, so if you're a Christian friend of mine who doesn't yet know I'm atheist, and stumble on this video - I apologize you had to find out this way, but whoever you are, I was planning on letting you know eventually when I thought the time was right.
Audio recorded with the Voice Recorder app, processed in Audacity, and mastered at https://aimastering.com/
The music is Rimsky-Korsakov’s Russian Easter Festival Overture – a public domain recording from https://musopen.org/
AI-generated images made using Midjourney and Nightcafe
Spectrum visualiser made using https://musicvid.org from creators:
caseif - Particles & Trap Nation Visualizer
Incept - Particles & Trap Nation Visualizer
Monster House OST: Merciful Hammer [REMASTERED]
I didn't find a good version of this song on yt as the ones that were already uploaded were way too quiet and low quality, so I decided to use an ai with AI Mastering to increase the volume and quality. This song appears in Monster House by the band "Skull & Bones" The singer is Ralph Saenz, currently known as Michael Starr and former member of the band Steel Panther. (Copied and pasted from another merciful hammer video description) You can remaster audio with this site I found with an easy search on google but here's the link if you're too lazy to type in "AI Mastering" kek: https://aimastering.com/ I cannot find the lyrics for this song online nor can I make out words from this song, so it's best if you comment below or send a link to a lyrics thingy, would help. Copyright (©) Disclaimer: I do not own Monster House nor it's soundtrack, nor am I singer of Steel Panther, I simply wanted to remaster a song I really liked and upload it here so there is at least a decently good quality of this song.
Why I Left Christianity: A Calvinist's Journey to Atheism
Raised a Christian, I was born again as a young adult. A mere 5 years later, I had deconverted to atheism. This video follows my personal story of this process, with an emphasis on the Calvinist beliefs of the Presbyterian denomination that I abandoned, and why I became an atheist. For various reasons, I'm only just beginning to 'go public' with my atheism in my real life, so if you're a Christian friend of mine who doesn't yet know I'm atheist, and stumble on this video - I apologize you had to find out this way, but whoever you are, I was planning on letting you know eventually when I thought the time was right. Audio recorded with the Voice Recorder app, processed in Audacity, and mastered at https://aimastering.com/ The music is Rimsky-Korsakov’s Russian Easter Festival Overture – a public domain recording from https://musopen.org/ AI-generated images made using Midjourney and Nightcafe Spectrum visualiser made using https://musicvid.org from creators: caseif - Particles & Trap Nation Visualizer https://caseif.net/ Incept - Particles & Trap Nation Visualizer https://incept.online/
Comparazione MASTERING AUTOMATICO Online (Waves, BANDLAB, LANDR, Mastering Studio)
In questo video proverò per la prima volta, 5 servizi di mastering automatico online che sfruttano l'intelligenza artificiale. Ho selezionato i più conosciuto, includendo anche il nuovo servizio di casa Waves. La maggior parte di questi servizi online, sono totalmente gratuiti e con un ottimo risultato sonoro. 🎵 Musica utilizzata: - Blue Lit Moon - Dad's Glad - Link cambridge: https://cambridge-mt.com/ms/mtk/#BlueLitMoon - Support the band here: https://www.facebook.com/bluelitmoon - Daw Projects: https://cambridge-mt.com/daw-projects/mix-rescue-1106/ 📽 Video citati: - Mastering traccia HOUSE: https://youtu.be/sC1iK153ipM?si=gsUYF6qh-6YZJZzu - Come ho creato una traccia HOUSE: https://youtu.be/s_PfH1VUcDM?si=7wljMRZgh6JHhMb8 🔗 Link citati: - AI Mastering: https://aimastering.com/ - mastering.studio by Plugin Alliance: https://www.mastering.studio/ - LANDR: https://app.landr.com/library/masteringPreview - BANDLAB: https://www.bandlab.com/mastering - Waves: https://www.waves.com/online-mastering 🌍 Il mio Sito: https://bit.ly/elevenstep Visita il mio sito se vuoi avere maggiore informazioni sulle cose che faccio: consulenze, lezioni private su Ableton, sulla produzione musicale ecc. 🔖 Capitoli: 00:00 Intro 02:11 Panoramica e utilizzo: AI Mastering 08:52 Panoramica e utilizzo: Mastering Studio by Plugin Alliance 12:38 Panoramica e utilizzo: LANDR 14:21 Panoramica e utilizzo: BANDLAB 16:11 Panoramica e utilizzo: Waves 17:30 Problemi e altro: AI Mastering, LANDR e Waves 20:17 Riepilogo 21:20 Il Confronto 25:25 Il Confronto con un altro genere 27:45 Le mie considerazioni 32:33 Conclusione 🔴 Iscriviti al canale per rimanere sempre aggiornato 🔗 https://bit.ly/350JUig ➤ COMMUNITY: 🔗 Gruppo Telegram: http://bit.ly/2Kj1Oo3 🔗 Discord: https://discord.gg/wUmCatJ ➤ SEGUIMI SUI SOCIAL 🔗 Souncloud: http://bit.ly/2Tqkp10 🔗 Instagram: https://bit.ly/329xCVY ➤ PLAYLIST 🔗 Come creo un brano: https://bit.ly/3SW1wlr 🔗 Ableton da Zero: http://bit.ly/2TpXbYA 🔗 Plug-in: http://bit.ly/2HNhVrl 🔗 Plug-in Gratuiti https://bit.ly/2UgGtxI 🔗 Strip Project: http://bit.ly/2Oi35ub 🔗 Sound Design: http://bit.ly/2Hzn3A7 🔗 MIssaggio e Mastering: http://bit.ly/2OlZivN 🔗 Mixa Insieme a Me: http://bit.ly/2THDnlP 🔗 Come Creare una Traccia da Zero: http://bit.ly/2U86m4k 🔗 Serum: https://bit.ly/2ZoowQb I don't encourage illegal downloads, please PURCHASE every software you need in order to remunerate the hard work of the companies that produce them #mastering #ai #online #waves #bandlab
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