以下是客戶服務的 Anki Decks 支援電子郵件:hello@anki-decks.com 。
有關Anki Decks 的更多信息,請訪問關於我們頁面(https://anki-decks.com/faq) 。
Anki Decks登入連結:https://anki-decks.com/accounts/login/
Anki Decks註冊連結:https://anki-decks.com/users/accounts/signup/
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Anki Flashcards AI - Generate Flashcards from any File or Text
AnkiDecks is a tool designed to quickly and efficiently generate Anki flashcards from any file or text. By simply uploading a file, AnkiDecks transforms the content into a personalized set of flashcards. This tool eliminates the need for manually creating flashcards, offering users a more efficient way to study. Users have the option to study directly on the AnkiDecks platform or download and export the flashcards to Anki. Tool link: anki-decks.com
A.I. TOOLS WEBSITE: 1.CHATGPT: https://chatgpt.com/ 2.NOTION AI: https://www.notion.so/ 3.GRAMMARLY: https://app.grammarly.com/ 4.QUILLBOT: https://quillbot.com/paraphrasing-tool 5.PERPLEXITY AI: https://www.perplexity.ai/ 6.DEEPSEEK: https://www.deepseek.com/ 7.NOTEBOOKLM: https://notebooklm.google/ 8.GETMEM AI: https://get.mem.ai/ 9.KHAN ACADEMY: https://www.khanacademy.org/profile/me/courses 10.TURBOLEARN AI: https://www.turbolearn.ai/ 11.QUIZLET: https://quillbot.com/paraphrasing-tool 12.ANKI: https://anki-decks.com/
Must use AI tools to score good in competitive exams
Must use AI tools to score good in competitive exams NOTION AI - https://www.notion.so/product/ai NOT DIAMOND AI - https://chat.notdiamond.ai/ ANKI DECKS AI - https://anki-decks.com/ FOREST APP - https://www.forestapp.cc/
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