EarnBetter 利用人工智慧為求職者提供免費支援。該公司的免費人工智慧求職助手可以在幾分鐘內重新格式化和修改個人簡歷,並為特定機會撰寫個人化的求職信。
要使用 EarnBetter 的免費服務,求職者可以上傳他們目前的簡歷,並免費獲得專業版本。人工智慧求職助手還會根據用戶的個人檔案和偏好提供個人化的職位推薦。此外,該助手可以免費為在 EarnBetter 上的每份工作定制簡歷和求職信,幫助用戶在競爭中脫穎而出。
EarnBetter 公司名稱:EarnBetter Inc. 。
有關EarnBetter 的更多信息,請訪問關於我們頁面(https://earnbetter.com/about-us/) 。
EarnBetter Facebook連結:https://www.facebook.com/earnbetterHQ
EarnBetter Youtube連結:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYPGp1-iYvk_EutJdjfmqfw
EarnBetter Tiktok連結:https://www.tiktok.com/@earnbetterhq
EarnBetter Linkedin連結:https://www.linkedin.com/company/earnbetter/
EarnBetter Twitter連結:https://x.com/EarnBetterHQ
EarnBetter Instagram連結:https://www.instagram.com/earnbetterhq/
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Try EarnBetter Today (:50)
EarnBetter is the Copilot for your Job Search. Our product can create professional resumes, customize cover letters, prepare you for an interview, etc. In today's world, there are many tools and services out there for jobseekers but most of them cost money. Our goal is to democratize access to job search support, so anyone can get the resources they need during a job search. Our product is completely free, easy to use and very quick. Get started today at earnbetter.com!
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