Liffery 是一個線上研究和心願清單工具,提供一個安靜的線上空間讓使用者捕捉和考慮以後購買的物品。它旨在消除噪音、干擾和有偏見的廣告,使使用者能夠做出深思熟慮且公正的決策。
1. 登錄或免費註冊 Liffery。 2. 使用iOS應用程式或Chrome擴展,在移動中迅速保存物品。 3. 通過創建不同的頻道(例如心願清單、家庭禮物協調或要去的地方)來整理所保存的物品。 4. 為您想考慮的物品設定提醒。 5. 利用價格監測功能比較價格,找到最佳交易。 6. 使用地圖功能保存和記住有興趣的地方。 7. 通過創建私人頻道並使用決策者工具來收集意見和做出共同決策,與他人進行合作。 8. 通過 Liffery 探索您的旅程並做出最佳購買決策。
Liffery 公司名稱:Liffery Ltd 。
Liffery 公司地址:Registered in England No. 13241757。
有關Liffery 的更多信息,請訪問關於我們頁面( 。
[] - Enhance Your Experience with [Liffery] - Your personal research assistant
[] - Enhance Your Experience with [Liffery] - Your personal research assistant My #1 Recommendation To Make a Full-Time Income Online ★ Liffery, an AI-powered study assistant, is launching on YouTube today. It focuses on research and thinking, helping users make informed decisions without bias. Liffery aims to create a space for sharing study ideas and connecting with the community. The platform also transforms push advertising into pull advertising, allowing users to choose when to see new products during research. Liffery is grateful to @benln for introducing the platform to the world. Affiliate Disclaimer: This video and description may contain some affiliate links, which means, I’ll receive a small commission if you decide to purchase any of the recommended products or services. This helps support the channel and allows me to continue to make videos. Thank you for the support!