Mappedin 公司名稱:Mappedin Inc. 。
Mappedin 公司地址:14 Erb St. W Waterloo, Ontario N2L 1S7。
有關Mappedin 的更多信息,請訪問關於我們頁面(https://www.mappedin.com/about-us/) 。
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Mappedin Linkedin連結:https://ca.linkedin.com/company/mappedin
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Creating a New Indoor Map | Mappedin
Here's a walkthrough of how to create an indoor map using Mappedin. Some key tips to keep in mind: - You can use your own floor plan or use a demo map to start. - You can drag your building's floor plans into Mappedin and distinguish between above and below ground. - You're also able to create a floor plan using the Mappedin iOS app through LiDAR scanning. Read more about the app here: https://www.mappedin.com/resources/blog/in-the-spotlight-mappedin-ios-app-for-free-scan-to-floor-plan/ - After uploading a floor plan, you can place your building in the world and adjust the address. If you have multiple floors, you won't be able to continue until all of your maps are aligned. Start mapping for free and explore more advanced mapping tools with Mappedin Plus. https://app.mappedin.com/editor?signup=true Follow us: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mappedin Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mappedinatwork LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/mappedin Twitter: https://twitter.com/mappedin Website: https://www.mappedin.com
Navigating Your 3D Indoor Map | Mappedin
Here are a few tips to ensure seamless navigation when you create your 3D indoor map: - Make sure sharing is enabled. - Make sure all rooms and points are named. - Ensure your connections (stairways, elevators, etc.) are correct for buildings with multiple floors. When you're ready, click a destination point to get directions. Directions can start from the closest entrance, a room or object, or from a dropped pin. Start mapping for free and explore more advanced mapping tools with Mappedin Plus. https://app.mappedin.com/editor?signup=true Follow us: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mappedin Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mappedinatwork LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/mappedin Twitter: https://twitter.com/mappedin Website: https://www.mappedin.com
Getting Started | Mappedin Web SDK v6
In this video, you'll learn how to set up your local environment and customize your map using Vite and Typescript. We’ll walk you through the initial setup, updating key files, and running your project to display the Mappedin Demo Mall map. By the end of this tutorial, you'll be able to interact with your map and add on more SDK features! Check out how easy it is to integrate Mappedin's powerful mapping technology into your web applications. 🔗 Resources: Getting Started Guide: https://developer.mappedin.com/web/v6/guides/getting-started/ Mappedin Playground: https://developer.mappedin.com/playground/ Make a Free Map!: https://www.mappedin.com/signup Start mapping for free and explore more advanced mapping tools with Mappedin Plus. https://www.mappedin.com/signup Follow us: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mappedin Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mappedinatwork Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/mappedin Twitter: https://twitter.com/mappedin Website: https://www.mappedin.com
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