SafeWaters.AI | The Smartphone App that Forecasts Shark Attack Risk
Surfers and beachgoers alike, it's time to add a new app to your surf toolkit.
Introducing SafeWatersAI, a unique AI-powered app that's a result of a passion project, merging the love of surfing, technology, and a fascination with all things Shark Week.
This surf-lifestyle-inspired creation, with its Kickstarter now live, is poised to redefine how we navigate our interaction with the ocean, forecasting the risk of shark encounters with a gnarly 89 percent accuracy rate.
It's like the swell report but for sharkiness.
Created by a dedicated team of engineers and data scientists - featuring yours truly, a fellow surfer who's wiped out more times than can be counted - SafeWatersAI provides real-time risk assessment by leveraging AI algorithms to examine historical shark attack data, marine weather conditions, and shark behavior.
This valuable tool provides crucial information that can help surfers, beachgoers, and water sports enthusiasts stay safe.
A love letter to our oceans and marine life, SafeWatersAI goes beyond human safety. It also aims to protect our finned friends by lowering the chances of unintended encounters.
This two-fold approach ensures human safety while contributing to shark conservation, as fewer sharks will be killed in retaliation to attacks.
Riding the wave of oceanic responsibility, SafeWatersAI pledges to donate 5 percent of its profits to ocean cleanup initiatives.
SafeWatersAI isn't a one-and-done deal.
Instead, its AI model continually learns and grows, becoming more intelligent over time and forecasting high-risk days with a solid 89 percent accuracy rate.
This precision comes from ceaseless analysis of historical attack data and marine weather conditions, testing its accuracy on 1500+ previous attacks, categorizing 89 percent as "high-risk" days.
Meaning at that beach and on that day of the attack previous recorded attack, if you checked the SafeWaters app, the forecast for that day would have read "high-risk."
Identifying high-risk days means highlighting when and where the variables align for potential encounters.
Armed with this knowledge, surfers can take proactive measures before paddling out, like ditching the bling, sticking to shallow breaks, or hiring extra eyes for shark spotting.
While the idea of employing AI to forecast shark encounter risks might sound like sci-fi, it's just one crest in the wave of innovation that AI applications are bringing to our world.
From driverless cars to bespoke medical treatments, AI is reshaping the way we live.
SafeWatersAI stands as a testament to the vast potential of AI and its increasing significance in our lives.
As the Kickstarter campaign for SafeWatersAI makes headway, the interest in AI-empowered solutions continues to surge.
While some may find the rise of AI daunting, its incredible benefits across diverse industries and life aspects are undeniable.
SafeWatersAI highlights AI's power to increase safety and better our world.
Help SafeWaters.AI launch this August by claiming your early bird discounts today and helping contribute to a safer, cleaner ocean environment.
Ride the wave of AI innovation with us and contribute to Kickstarter today.
Surf's up, and let's keep it that way. Safe and shark-friendly.
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SafeWaters.AI | The Smartphone App that Forecasts Shark Attack Risk
Surfers and beachgoers alike, it's time to add a new app to your surf toolkit. Introducing SafeWatersAI, a unique AI-powered app that's a result of a passion project, merging the love of surfing, technology, and a fascination with all things Shark Week. This surf-lifestyle-inspired creation, with its Kickstarter now live, is poised to redefine how we navigate our interaction with the ocean, forecasting the risk of shark encounters with a gnarly 89 percent accuracy rate. It's like the swell report but for sharkiness. Created by a dedicated team of engineers and data scientists - featuring yours truly, a fellow surfer who's wiped out more times than can be counted - SafeWatersAI provides real-time risk assessment by leveraging AI algorithms to examine historical shark attack data, marine weather conditions, and shark behavior. This valuable tool provides crucial information that can help surfers, beachgoers, and water sports enthusiasts stay safe. A love letter to our oceans and marine life, SafeWatersAI goes beyond human safety. It also aims to protect our finned friends by lowering the chances of unintended encounters. This two-fold approach ensures human safety while contributing to shark conservation, as fewer sharks will be killed in retaliation to attacks. Riding the wave of oceanic responsibility, SafeWatersAI pledges to donate 5 percent of its profits to ocean cleanup initiatives. SafeWatersAI isn't a one-and-done deal. Instead, its AI model continually learns and grows, becoming more intelligent over time and forecasting high-risk days with a solid 89 percent accuracy rate. This precision comes from ceaseless analysis of historical attack data and marine weather conditions, testing its accuracy on 1500+ previous attacks, categorizing 89 percent as "high-risk" days. Meaning at that beach and on that day of the attack previous recorded attack, if you checked the SafeWaters app, the forecast for that day would have read "high-risk." Identifying high-risk days means highlighting when and where the variables align for potential encounters. Armed with this knowledge, surfers can take proactive measures before paddling out, like ditching the bling, sticking to shallow breaks, or hiring extra eyes for shark spotting. While the idea of employing AI to forecast shark encounter risks might sound like sci-fi, it's just one crest in the wave of innovation that AI applications are bringing to our world. From driverless cars to bespoke medical treatments, AI is reshaping the way we live. SafeWatersAI stands as a testament to the vast potential of AI and its increasing significance in our lives. As the Kickstarter campaign for SafeWatersAI makes headway, the interest in AI-empowered solutions continues to surge. While some may find the rise of AI daunting, its incredible benefits across diverse industries and life aspects are undeniable. SafeWatersAI highlights AI's power to increase safety and better our world. Help SafeWaters.AI launch this August by claiming your early bird discounts today and helping contribute to a safer, cleaner ocean environment. Ride the wave of AI innovation with us and contribute to Kickstarter today. Surf's up, and let's keep it that way. Safe and shark-friendly. Subscribe to SurferToday on YouTube 🔔 Online Surf Shop 🏄🏻♂️
Shark Attack Risk Forecasting App, Founder Evan Valenti X NewsMax Full Interview
Watch the full interview with NewsMax hosts Bob Stellars and Katrina Szish & founder Evan Valenti. is available on the App Store and Google Play. uses ai trained on 200+ years of shark attack and marine weather data to forecast the risk of shark attacks in a 7 day forecast at any beach around the world. The test data showed an 83% accuracy in forecasting previous attacks as high risk days/locations. Download links: App Store: Google Play: **if links do not work, copy and paste into browser. Or search "" in the app or google play store.