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Vocareum 公司名稱:Vocareum, Inc. 。
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Teaching Databricks via Vocareum
In this webinar, we explored how Vocareum, with its integrated Databricks functionality, can enhance your teaching environment. This ready-to-use platform allows you to leverage the full power of Databricks Enterprise edition, simplifying tasks such as assignment creation, auto-grading, and student auto-enrollment. Moreover, Vocareum eliminates cloud administration and billing hassles, permitting you to establish and deploy resources to students with ease. Please contact support@vocareum.com for any additional questions.
Discover OpenAI, GPU, and More Integrations with Vocareum Notebook
In this webinar, we explored the key features of Vocareum Notebook, including cost-effective GPU Batch Processing, OpenAI Integration, Seamless LMS Integration and more. We hope this session can provide valuable insights and practical guidance on transforming AI education within your institution. Please contact support@vocareum.com for any additional questions.
Innovations in AI Education with Managed GPUs and Budget Controls
In this webinar (8/24), there was an overview of Vocareum followed by a demo of the Vocareum AI notebook -- a platform that can enhance your AI education and research capabilities through efficient GPU-accelerated batch job scheduling. The Vocareum AI Notebook enables you to manage your research tasks with optimal budgeting and cost management. With the ability to queue long-running jobs and launch GPU servers specifically for executing these tasks, you can harness the full potential of GPUs without worrying about excessive expense. This cost-effective approach allows researchers to make the most of GPUs without incurring unnecessary expenses, making our solution particularly appealing for institutions seeking affordable GPU resources. If you have any questions, please email us at info@vocareum.com.