Eazy Editor 是一款搭載人工智慧的軟體程式,提供自動去背、物件擦除、添加陰影、刪除文字和批量編輯功能。它使用方便且物美價廉,是電商賣家、內容創作者和專業人士的多用途解決方案。線上影片編輯器讓您無水印地進行線上視頻編輯,並提供修剪、合併、添加效果等專業級功能。CloudStudio 是一款基於網頁的 AI 輔助影片編輯器,擁有專業級工具,能夠創作出專業水準的影片。Cursor 是一款搭載人工智慧的程式碼編輯器,專為高效的合作編程而設計,而 HeyPhoto 則提供了經過 AI 增強的照片編輯工具,如人臉修改和背景去除等功能。Banva 是一款字幕生成和編輯工具,能夠快速準確地自動生成多達 50 多種語言的字幕。
I am an enthusiast and scholar in the field of artificial intelligence, with a passion for exploring the intersection of technology and human cognition. With a rich background in computer science and hands-on experience in machine learning, I have contributed to both academic research and practical applications of AI. My work aims to demystify the complexities of AI and make it accessible to a broader audience, fostering an understanding of its potential to transform our world.