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Entenda como ChatGPT funciona de maneira SIMPLES! 🤖
Nesse vídeo eu explico, de maneira didática, o que é ChatGPT e como funciona. Para tal, eu dou uma passada geral por Aprendizado de Máquina (Machine Learning), Redes Neurais Profundas (Deep Learning), Transformers, GPT e a importância do Google e OpenAI para chegarmos até ChatGPT! 🕘Minutagem: 00:00 - O que é ChatGPT? 04:45 - O que são Transformers? 07:35 - O que são modelos de linguagens? 09:38 - Por que Transformers são poderosas? 13:56 - O que é GPT? 15:40 - Aplicações que usam GPT 17:27 - Conclusão e Encerramento 📚Fontes e Links Sugeridos: ◽ChatGPT: ◽ ◽ ◽ ◽ ◽ ◽ ◽ ◽ ◽ ◽ ◽ ◽ ◽ ◽ ◽ 🎞Playlist de Redes Neurais Artificiais: ◽ 🎵Músicas usadas: ◽ ◽ Music Info: Looking Ahead by RomanSenykMusic. Music Link: Music Info: Emotions of Technology by RomanSenykMusic. Music Link: Music Info: Soft Inspiring Corporate Uplifting Ambient by RomanSenykMusic. Music Link: Music Info: Science Emotive by RomanSenykMusic. Music Link: 🤩Seja membro: ◽ 📱Todas as redes: ◽ 💬Grupo no Telegram pros inscritos: ◽ 🌎Blog do Canal: ◽ 💵Meu Pix: ◽ 📮Caixa Postal: Lucas Grassano Lattari Caixa Postal 74 36180-000 Rio Pomba - MG
AI Dungeon: Phoenix Livestream
After the livestream we will be having a live Q&A with Devin, Nick, and Ryan in our discord Play AI Dungeon Phoenix Beta You can see all the Phoenix Release Notes here Phoenix Release Blog Post
How to use ChatGPT-4 Free | Latest Chat GPT-4 FREE Projects
How to use ChatGPT-4 Free | Latest Chat GPT-4 FREE Projects #chatgpt #chatgpt4 #gpt4 "Welcome to AutoGPT Tutorial, the ultimate destination for all things related to GPT and AI technology. In this video, we will explore how to use ChatGPT for free on your PC, and I will be sharing some of the latest GPT-4 projects and tools that you can use to get the most out of this cutting-edge technology. Whether you're an AI enthusiast, developer, or just curious about the power of GPT, you'll find everything you need right here on our channel. So make sure to hit the subscribe button and turn on notifications so you never miss an update. Without further ado, let's dive into today's video and explore the fascinating world of GPT-4!" No-code AI Tools (affiliate) FREE Custom ChatGPT - ChatGPT Plus only $9 Try FREE - FREE Custom AI Chatbot - Video Links:- Forefront AI - WNR AI - Poe dot Com - Bing AI - Nat dot Dev - Ora Sh - Perplexity AI - Merlin - AI Dungeon - HuggingFace - Tags: #ChatGPT4 #AI #NLP #MachineLearning #DeepLearning #LanguageModel #OpenAI #BingChat #NatDotDev #OraDotSh #PerplexityAI #Merlin #AIDungeon #HuggingFace #FreeProjects #Tutorial #HowToUseChatGPT4 #ArtificialIntelligence #NaturalLanguageProcessing
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