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Được đăng vào Tháng tư 02 2024 bởi Emmett
Tăng năng suất với 15 công cụ tạo tài liệu AI từ Toolify AI. Tạo tài liệu nhanh hơn và thông minh hơn! Nhấp để tăng cường quy trình làm việc của bạn.
Lắng nghe mạng xã hội
Seven Secret Ai Apps that will 10x your productivity!
1. Avian All your business data in ChatGPT. The Avian ChatGPT plugin allows you to access and interact with your business data: - Google Analytics, - Facebook Ads, - Google Ads and more Ask questions, get answers. 2. Emma AI Create an AI-powered assistant in minutes! Quickly build a custom AI assistant powered by OpenAI. Connect it to your organization or upload your files, empowering the assistant to assist with any inquiries you or your team may encounter. 3. Chatdoc ChatDOC is a ChatGPT-based file-reading assistant that can quickly extract, locate, and summarize information from documents. Chat with documents. Get instant answers with cited sources. 4. Metaview Metaview automatically writes your interview notes for you so you can save time and focus on high-quality interactions with candidates. 5. Docer Bring your documents to life! Unleash AI power to chat with any of your documents - PDF, DOCX, TXT, JAVA, PYTHON, CPP & much more. 6. Persana AI Never have to write an email again! Generate personalized messaging, get instant insights (funding, personality type, icebreakers), and use AI to summarize long emails. Supercharge your Gmail now! 7. Agree To. The best AI-powered Chrome extension to schedule meetings without ever having to leave your inbox. No new calendar or stand-alone app is needed.