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Russia Opens Its Vaults To Reveal Black Biblical Israelites
Russia Opens Its Vaults To Reveal Black Biblical Israelite's 🤝 We need your support! Please consider buying us a coffee to help sustain and grow our content. Your contribution directly fuels our work, and motivates us to deliver high-quality content 🙏 🤗 https://www.buymeacoffee.com/blackjournals 👉 Visit Our Merch Store: https://black-journals.myspreadshop.com/ 💰 Make Money Buying and Selling Social Media Accounts For Safe Transactions, visit: https://swapd.co/ref/27832 0:00: 🔍 Exploring historical Russian icons depicting darker-skinned biblical figures and their significance. 1:05: The icons hold deep meanings and spark questions about history, faith, and representation. 4:16: 🖼️ Rare black icons from the 14th century unveiled in Moscow Cathedral, showcasing surviving masterpieces saved by museums. 5:27: Unveiling of rare black icons as a powerful testament to enduring art 8:14: True Israelites were black-skinned and ended up in West Africa after fleeing from destruction by Titus. 9:05: The children of Shem and Ham, both black-skinned, faced discrimination due to their mixing and disobedience. 13:22: Black icons in Russia challenge historical perceptions and depict black figures in biblical scenes. 16:48: ⚔️ Controversy over statues of historical figures leads to debate on racial justice and Christianity. 17:56: Divided public opinion on statue removal as a way to address systemic racism 👉 Unlock exclusive content YouTube usually censors by joining our YouTube membership. As a member, you'll access exclusive videos, personalized shoutouts, and more. Don't miss out – click "Join" now! Join me on a transformative journey as we honour our black ancestors and reclaim our world through the lens of Africa. Through engaging dialogue, we will explore the rich tapestry of African history, culture, and worldview, discovering their profound relevance in our lives today. Together, we will share our thoughts and knowledge, fostering a new culture of awareness and reclaiming our collective narrative. Let's celebrate the vibrant heritage and enduring legacy of Africa, forging a path of enlightenment and unity. Together, we can shape a future rooted in understanding, respect, and shared heritage. Follow Us On Twitter And Facebook 🤗 👉 https://twitter.com/blackJournals01 👉 https://www.facebook.com/theblackjournal/ 👉 Visit our website: https://theblackjournals.com/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sources: https://youtu.be/VYbLPThIx3s?si=BYCCq6Q-mcVg9JeJ https://youtu.be/oDwr0CYbWtI?si=2yx05LmHElDwGEFC https://youtu.be/VO2W6nxSKCc?si=7cVzCo4X1Iws85vk https://youtu.be/nIvibguLVpM?si=kAbe9MGoHZLP8afX https://www.history.com/news/what-did-jesus-look-like https://eightify.app/summary/russian-history/europe-s-hidden-history-black-icons-in-1500s-and-1600s-paintings https://www.quora.com/Why-are-Russian-icons-paintings-of-black-people https://www.quora.com/How-do-you-explain-the-Russian-icon-images-of-black-patriarchs-of-the-Bible-that-pre-date-the-European-duplicates-of-the-original-portraits-of-Renaissance https://sc.edu/uofsc/posts/2020/07/conversation_white_jesus.php https://www.newsweek.com/white-jesus-statues-should-torn-down-black-lives-matters-leader-says-1512674 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Africanhistory #BlackHistory #BlackCulture
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الساحرة الجزارة .. منى فندي
اعداد الكاتبة : وجدان الشمري انستغرام : wejdan creator المصادر : https://murderpedia.org/female.F/f/fandey-mona.htm#google_vignette https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mona_Fandey https://fact-and-fiction.fandom.com/wiki/Mona_Fandey https://eightify.app/summary/true-crime/malaysian-pop-star-turned-shaman-the-story-of-mona-fandey http://www.capitalpunishmentuk.org/fandey.html https://ihauntu.com/5-lesser-known-facts-about-mona-fandey/ https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Songkok ============================================================ التراخيص : المقدمة : LICENSE CERTIFICATE: Envato Elements Item ================================================= This license certificate documents a license to use the item listed below on a non-exclusive, commercial, worldwide and revokable basis, for one Single Use for this Registered Project. Item Title: This Suspense Item URL: https://elements.envato.com/this-suspense-46Y8ZDY Item ID: 46Y8ZDY Author Username: raspberrymusic Licensee: Fares Ashour Registered Project Name: حافلة الموت ماذا حدث في الباص License Date: October 30th, 2023 Item License Code: 6KVH3N2R87 The license you hold for this item is only valid if you complete your End Product while your subscription is active. Then the license continues for the life of the End Product (even if your subscription ends). For any queries related to this document or license please contact Envato Support via https://help.elements.envato.com/hc/en-us/requests/new Envato Elements Pty Ltd (ABN 87 613 824 258) PO Box 16122, Collins St West, VIC 8007, Australia ==== THIS IS NOT A TAX RECEIPT OR INVOICE ==== ============================================================ الكواليس : LICENSE CERTIFICATE: Envato Elements Item ================================================= This license certificate documents a license to use the item listed below on a non-exclusive, commercial, worldwide and revokable basis, for one Single Use for this Registered Project. Item Title: A Happy Item URL: https://elements.envato.com/a-happy-EMW7FJD Item ID: EMW7FJD Author Username: FourLeafCloverStudio Licensee: Fares Ashour Registered Project Name: سر جريمة القرية الهندية License Date: September 21st, 2023 Item License Code: R3WBKMDHQ8 The license you hold for this item is only valid if you complete your End Product while your subscription is active. Then the license continues for the life of the End Product (even if your subscription ends). For any queries related to this document or license please contact Envato Support via https://help.elements.envato.com/hc/en-us/requests/new Envato Elements Pty Ltd (ABN 87 613 824 258) PO Box 16122, Collins St West, VIC 8007, Australia ==== THIS IS NOT A TAX RECEIPT OR INVOICE ====
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