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Dec 25 2023
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Công cụ tìm kiếm an toàn để lọc nội dung không phù hợp.

Có khả năng lưu trữ và tổ chức các bộ sưu tập hình ảnh.

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Tôi có thể lọc hình ảnh theo loại shot không?

Có công cụ tìm kiếm an toàn để lọc nội dung không phù hợp không?

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How to Change Day into Night

https://www.patreon.com/robelliscinematography - support me on Patreon for Discord access and early, extended, ad-free YouTube videos Color Grading - https://www.dehancer.com - get 10% off Dehancer using ROBELLIS at checkout https://offers.audiosocket.com/rob-ellis/ - click the link and use my code "ROBELLIS" for a free month of fantastic unlimited music when you sign up for Audiosocket! https://beta.flim.ai/?via=rob - Get 15% off your monthly or yearly Flim subscription here! https://www.robelliscinematography.com/downloads - download the full 46 minute Lighting with Colour mini course ad-free, with all 5 individual parts for just £15 - including an exclusive Part 3! GRAB MY LIGHTING COURSE "RECREATING DAYLIGHT" ON SHOP MOMENT - https://www.shopmoment.com/products/recreating-daylight https://zyro.com/special/robellis - get up to 78% off yearly plans when you build your website with Zyro using my deal, including an extra 4 months for free and a free domain for a year! Day for Night is a technique used in cinema to visually convey nighttime - whilst actually being shot during the day. The reason we can do this is because both sunlight and moonlight share a very similar quality of light, due to their distance and apparent size to us on Earth. This means there are a few ways we can use daylight in place of expensive lights and setups to create a night scene - this usually requires a lowering of exposure and cooling down of the image using white balance and other techniques, to sell the look of night and how our vision perceives such a low level of light in reality. This is just one aspect of what can contribute toward a cinematic feeling - check out the other episodes in the Lighting for Cinema A - Z series to learn more about what makes cinema feel a certain way: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_dDUxn1Y2e1SJ_Q2H96godCiNSCFvIqI&si=drpJ9zgsYfRRyFOJ Lenses used: Samyang 24mm t/1.5 VDSLR MK2 Samyang 35mm t/1.5 VDSLR MK2 Samyang 50mm t/1.5 VDSLR MK2 Samyang 135mm t/2.2 VDSLR MK2 Cameras used: Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 6K Pro Panasonic Lumix S5 (BTS) iPhone 15 Pro Max (BTS) Lights used in the video: Nanlite Alien 300C Nanlite Forza 720B Video Contents: 0:00 How Do We Represent Night? 0:34 Moonlight Looks Like Sunlight 3:42 Day for Night Example #1 4:42 Day for Night Example #2 5:21 Night Doesn't Have to be Blue 5:38 Day for Night Example #3 7:08 Day for Night Example #4 8:45 Wrap Up 9:23 Support me on Patreon

Rob Ellis
Oct 01 2024

Mastering Color Temperature in 3 Steps

Color Grading - https://www.dehancer.com - get 10% off Dehancer using ROBELLIS at checkout https://www.patreon.com/robelliscinematography - support me on Patreon for Discord access and early, extended, ad-free YouTube videos GRAB MY LIGHTING COURSE "RECREATING DAYLIGHT" ON SHOP MOMENT - https://www.shopmoment.com/products/recreating-daylight https://beta.flim.ai/?via=rob - Get 15% off your monthly or yearly Flim subscription here! https://www.robelliscinematography.com/downloads - download the full 46 minute Lighting with Colour mini course ad-free, with all 5 individual parts for just £15 - including an exclusive Part 3! https://offers.audiosocket.com/rob-ellis/ - click the link and use my code "ROBELLIS" for a free month of fantastic unlimited music when you sign up for Audiosocket! https://zyro.com/special/robellis - get up to 78% off yearly plans when you build your website with Zyro using my deal, including an extra 4 months for free and a free domain for a year! Breaking color temperature down into 3 different styles of shot: Recreation, Modification and Exaggeration. By thinking about most any shot in this way, you may be able to better visualise and implement the desired visual language of the shot/scene/film you're shooting; Recreation allows us to create something very realistic, right down to how a certain location looks in reality at a certain time of day. Modification allows us to add temperatures into a scene that exist in reality, but don't necessarily exist in the space we're shooting. Exaggeration lets us create a combination of temperatures that we might not ever see with our own eyes - but still exist. This is just one aspect of what can contribute toward a cinematic feeling - check out the other episodes in the Lighting for Cinema A - Z series to learn more about what makes cinema feel a certain way: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_dDUxn1Y2e1SJ_Q2H96godCiNSCFvIqI&si=drpJ9zgsYfRRyFOJ Lenses used: Samyang 14mm t/3.1 VDSLR MK2 Samyang 24mm t/1.5 VDSLR MK2 Samyang 35mm t/1.5 VDSLR MK2 Samyang 50mm t/1.5 VDSLR MK2 Cameras used: Panasonic Lumix S5 Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 6K Pro (BTS) Lights used in the video: Nanlite Pavoslim 120C Nanlite Pavoslim 240C Nanlite FC-60B Nanlite Forza 500B II Nanlite Forza 720B Nanlite Forza 60C Nanlite Pavobulb 10C Video Contents: 0:00 Intro 0:47 Recreation 3:24 Modification 7:00 Exaggeration 10:21 Making Sense of Color Temperature

Rob Ellis
Jun 25 2024

Tổng cộng có 39 dữ liệu mạng xã hội cần được mở khóa để xem

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