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Trợ lý viết AI cho macOS
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Jun 06 2024
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Kerlig là gì?

Trí tuệ nhân tạo trong bất kỳ ứng dụng nào. Trợ lý viết AI trong ngữ cảnh cho macOS

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Các tính năng cốt lõi của Kerlig

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Để biết mức giá mới nhất, vui lòng truy cập liên kết này: https://store.kerlig.com/buy/2abaa93e-59ba-4c65-9770-0f28ddfb6e78

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Double Slash //
Oct 09 2024

Kerlig 1.4.0 – Chat Attachments

Announcing Kerlig version 1.4.0 🎉 📎 New Feature: Chat Attachments! You can now add images, documents and web pages directly to your chats What’s Now Possible: – Reasoning from images: Transcribe handwritten notes, convert blood test results into JSON format, or generate descriptions for social media posts. – Work & learn: Chat with company documents (Word, Google Docs), research papers, or .epub books. – Legal: Ask questions about your contracts, agreements, invoices and other legal documents. Supported Attachments: – Web pages – Images: .png, .jpg, .webp, .gif – Documents & ebooks: .pdf, .docx, .epub – Text files: .txt, .csv, .json, .yml, .md, .js, .py, .php, .rb, and many more – Screenshots: Whole screen or selected window Add attachments any way you like – in Finder, select files and press your Hotkey or use the “Open with…” menu. Drag & drop, paste from clipboard or use the Add button in Kerlig. Improvements: – All Anthropic models now use Prompt Caching for attachments. This way attachments are only sent once throughout the multi-turn conversations, which significantly saves token usage. – New models via Groq integration: LLaMA3.1 70b and LLaMA3.1 8b – Pressing Hotkey now also closes the window when it’s opened – New chat (⌘N) now starts as blank by default Thank you for using Kerlig! If you have any feedback or requests, submit them using the Kerlig menu bar icon – we'd love to hear from you! www.kerlig.com If you have any feedback or requests, submit them using the Kerlig menu bar icon – we'd love to hear from you! Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!): https://uppbeat.io/t/all-good-folks/jam License code: FMOW6WNSBOMC3TXT

Sep 16 2024

Kerlig Khởi chạy nhúng

Sử dụng huy hiệu trang web để thu hút sự ủng hộ từ cộng đồng cho buổi ra mắt Toolify của bạn. Chúng dễ dàng nhúng vào trang chủ hoặc chân trang của bạn.

Kerlig: Trợ lý viết AI cho macOS
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