Wonda là một nền tảng sử dụng công nghệ AI và XR để tạo ra những trải nghiệm học tập nhập vai.
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Tìm hiểu thêm về Wonda, Vui lòng truy cập trang giới thiệu về chúng tôi(https://wondavr.com/about/) .
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Liên kết giá của Wonda: https://wondavr.com/?utm_source=toolify#pricing
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Liên kết Twitter Wonda: https://twitter.com/wonda_vr
Bản dùng thử miễn phí
Miễn phí
1 không gian làm việc với tối đa 3 trải nghiệm, tối đa 5 người dùng trong phiên nhóm.
Để biết mức giá mới nhất, vui lòng truy cập liên kết này: https://wondavr.com/?utm_source=toolify#pricing
Lắng nghe mạng xã hội
Wonda AI conversation - A Mystery Game powered by AI at Harvard University
Note: This is an extract of the Teaching of Language & Culture webinar hosted by Harvard University. We developed a unique method for generating engaging conversations within Wonda. In collaboration with Harvard professor Nicole Mills and Rev(e) Studio, we conducted a successful experiment last month with a language learning class at Harvard University. For this first-of-its-kind live experiment, 50 students were invited to create their own mystery game using AI as part of their language class. 80% of students "strongly agree" that the overall experience was engaging. One student said, "I love the interactions with the avatars," while another appreciated being able to "create a character and be able to interact with an AI." Some students suggested, "we could start earlier in the semester!" Are you interested in being part of our upcoming AI pilot program? Check our website us to learn more: https://www.wondavr.com/ai
Wonda AI Walkthrough
With Wonda you can now use AI powered content to create even more immersive learning experiences: - AI Characters in role playing games for soft skills learning - AI Guide for onboarding experiences in your campus - AI Teacher for new language learning and much more! Learn more and try the live demo right here: https://www.wondavr.com/ai