BartenderGPT on ChatGPT is designed for casual conversations while enjoying a drink after work.
如何在 ChatGPT 上使用 BartenderGPT 快速入门?
To quickly get started with BartenderGPT: 1. Visit the website. 2. Sign up for an account. 3. Start chatting and explore the various conversation topics. 4. Ask for drink recommendations or cocktail recipes to enhance your experience.
如何在 ChatGPT 上使用 BartenderGPT?
1. Visit the BartenderGPT website. 2. Sign up or log in to your account. 3. Start chatting with BartenderGPT by typing your message. 4. Enjoy casual conversations and get drink recommendations or cocktail recipes.
ChatGPT 标签上的 BartenderGPT
Drink Recommendations
Cocktail Recipes
ChatGPT 上有关 BartenderGPT 的常见问题解答
How accurate are the drink recommendations provided by BartenderGPT?