Craftable PRO是一个用InertiaJS、Vue和TailwindCSS构建的Laravel CRUD生成器和管理员面板工具。旨在加速Laravel开发人员构建管理员面板、CRM系统和CMS系统的开发。
要使用Craftable PRO,您需要在购买许可证后使用Composer安装包。安装完成后,您可以查阅文档,了解如何利用其功能为您的项目提供帮助。Craftable PRO提供了漂亮的用户界面、角色和权限管理、高级媒体库、用于CRUD脚手架生成的模块生成器、用户访问管理等功能。
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Craftable PRO - Laravel CRUD生成器 公司名字: BRACKETS .
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CRM System in Laravel in ~10 minutes
How to create CRM system in Laravel in ~10 minutes using Craftable PRO. You can find a detailed step-by-step tutorial at
P1 | Laravel & Craftable PRO: Introduction
Welcome to the first part of the Craftable PRO Academy series! In this introductory video, you'll get an overview of the course where you'll learn how to create an admin panel with an API for a mobile app using Laravel and Craftable PRO. For more resources, visit
P2 | Laravel & Craftable PRO: Installation
Welcome to the second part of the Craftable PRO Academy series! In this video, we'll guide you through the installation of Craftable PRO and Laravel, setting the foundation for creating an admin panel with an API for a mobile app. For more resources, visit
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