I Tried More AI Tools, It Gets Crazier
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AI is advancing at an insane rate, I research every new tool I see and am sharing the best tools I've discovered... part 2. The craziest, most productive, and weirdest ai tools I found after researching hundreds. Artificial intelligence already has thousands of use cases and endless tools available. For everything from productivity to video editing, business to art, memes to music, ChatGPT plugins, logos, branding, 3D animation, emotions, text-to-video, and some that are just weird.
► AI video effects with Kaiber: https://kaiber.ai/?via=fp-yt
► Use AI to build your website with 10web: https://bit.ly/10web_io
► Generate music with Mubert: https://mubert.com/render/pricing?via=fp-yt
Tools Mentioned in Order of Appearance (with links):
AutoGPT: https://github.com/Significant-Gravitas/Auto-GPT
AgentGPT: https://agentgpt.reworkd.ai/
Generative Agents Game: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2304.03442.pdf
Mubert: https://mubert.com/render/pricing?via=obscurious
Wavtool: https://wavtool.com/
Ye video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2sMpIXQcSCA
Eleven Labs: https://try.elevenlabs.io/sajwz8g65sby
Glass: https://glass.health/ai/
Consensus: https://consensus.app/search/
Luma Labs: https://lumalabs.ai/
zip-NeRFs: https://jonbarron.info/zipnerf/
UE Performance Capture:
Hume: https://hume.ai/
Memecam: https://www.memecam.dk/
DoNotPay: https://donotpay.com/
GPT-4 Plugins: https://openai.com/blog/chatgpt-plugins
Segment Anything: https://segment-anything.com/
Blockade Labs: https://www.blockadelabs.com/
Move: https://www.move.ai/
Canva: https://www.canva.com/
0:00 Intro
0:11 Autonomous agents
0:50 Generative agents
1:28 Mubert
1:47 Wavtool
2:19 Ye rap
3:00 Eleven Labs
3:30 Balenciaga
3:44 Glass
4:23 Consensus
5:11 Luma Labs
6:07 Unreal Engine
6:45 Hume
7:26 Memecam
7:35 DoNotPay
8:04 GPT-4 Plugins
8:23 Segment Anything
8:52 Blockade Labs
9:22 Move
9:34 Canva
9:55 Wrap Up
I Tried More AI Tools, It Gets Crazier
More from Futurepedia: 👉 Join the fastest-growing AI education platform! Try it free and explore 20+ top-rated courses in AI: https://bit.ly/futurepediaSL AI is advancing at an insane rate, I research every new tool I see and am sharing the best tools I've discovered... part 2. The craziest, most productive, and weirdest ai tools I found after researching hundreds. Artificial intelligence already has thousands of use cases and endless tools available. For everything from productivity to video editing, business to art, memes to music, ChatGPT plugins, logos, branding, 3D animation, emotions, text-to-video, and some that are just weird. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ► AI video effects with Kaiber: https://kaiber.ai/?via=fp-yt ► Use AI to build your website with 10web: https://bit.ly/10web_io ► Generate music with Mubert: https://mubert.com/render/pricing?via=fp-yt --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tools Mentioned in Order of Appearance (with links): AutoGPT: https://github.com/Significant-Gravitas/Auto-GPT AgentGPT: https://agentgpt.reworkd.ai/ Generative Agents Game: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2304.03442.pdf Mubert: https://mubert.com/render/pricing?via=obscurious Wavtool: https://wavtool.com/ Ye video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2sMpIXQcSCA Eleven Labs: https://try.elevenlabs.io/sajwz8g65sby Glass: https://glass.health/ai/ Consensus: https://consensus.app/search/ Luma Labs: https://lumalabs.ai/ zip-NeRFs: https://jonbarron.info/zipnerf/ UE Performance Capture: Hume: https://hume.ai/ Memecam: https://www.memecam.dk/ DoNotPay: https://donotpay.com/ GPT-4 Plugins: https://openai.com/blog/chatgpt-plugins Segment Anything: https://segment-anything.com/ Blockade Labs: https://www.blockadelabs.com/ Move: https://www.move.ai/ Canva: https://www.canva.com/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapters 0:00 Intro 0:11 Autonomous agents 0:50 Generative agents 1:28 Mubert 1:47 Wavtool 2:19 Ye rap 3:00 Eleven Labs 3:30 Balenciaga 3:44 Glass 4:23 Consensus 5:11 Luma Labs 6:07 Unreal Engine 6:45 Hume 7:26 Memecam 7:35 DoNotPay 8:04 GPT-4 Plugins 8:23 Segment Anything 8:52 Blockade Labs 9:22 Move 9:34 Canva 9:55 Wrap Up
He probado Cientos de HERRAMIENTAS de IA... Te enseño +50 que Te Sorprenderán 🤯
Tenía muchas ganas de subir este vídeo. En los últimos meses he estado probando cientos de herramientas de inteligencia artificial. Tras probarlas, te traigo este vídeo en donde vemos más de cincuenta herramientas de IA estructuradas y organizadas en 7 bloques: - Herramientas de IA creativas - Vídeo por IA - Imágenes por IA - Sonido por IA - Texto por IA - Gestión de proyectos por IA - Bonus Extra (por si te pareció poco) Como de costumbre, te dejo todos los enlaces abajo. 🔗 Enlaces: *Creativas* AutoDraw: https://www.autodraw.com/ Nvidia Canvas: https://www.nvidia.com/es-es/studio/canvas/ Versy: https://www.versy.ai/ Reimagine Home: https://www.reimaginehome.ai/ Lumalabs: https://lumalabs.ai/ *Video* Nvidia Broadcast: https://www.nvidia.com/es-es/geforce/broadcasting/broadcast-app/ Fliki AI: https://fliki.ai/ Invidio AI: https://invideo.io/ Runway: https://runwayml.com/ Video2recipe: https://video2recipe.com/ You TLDR: https://www.you-tldr.com/ Hume: https://hume.ai/ Kaiber: https://kaiber.ai/ Wonderdynamics: https://wonderdynamics.com/ LeiaPix: https://convert.leiapix.com/ Deep Nostalgia: https://www.myheritage.es/deep-nostalgia Synestesia: https://www.synthesia.io/ D-ID: https://www.d-id.com/ Heygen: https://app.heygen.com/guest?sid=rewardful&via=alejavi *Imágenes* BlueWillow: https://www.bluewillow.ai/ Playground: https://playgroundai.com/ Lexica Art: https://lexica.art/ Insta Art: https://instantart.io/ Leonardo AI: https://leonardo.ai/ Microsoft design: https://designer.microsoft.com/ Canva: https://www.canva.com/ Pixelbin: https://www.pixelbin.io/products Clipdrop: https://clipdrop.co/ *Sonidos* Soundraw: https://soundraw.io/ Mubert: https://mubert.com/ Soundful: https://soundful.com/ Elevenlabs: https://beta.elevenlabs.io/ Adobe Podcast: https://podcast.adobe.com/enhance *Texto* Chat GPT: https://chat.openai.com/ AIPRM: https://www.aiprm.com/ AgentGPT: https://agentgpt.reworkd.ai/es Bing: https://www.bing.com/images/create/ Bard: https://bard.google.com/?hl=en Perplexity: https://www.perplexity.ai/ writesonic: https://writesonic.com/ Copy AI: https://www.copy.ai/ Jasper: https://www.jasper.ai/ Glass health: https://glass.health/ Ask your PDF: https://askyourpdf.com/ Humata: https://www.humata.ai/ *Proyectos* Namelix: https://easywithai.com/free-ai-tools/namelix/ Looka: https://looka.com/ Mixo: https://app.mixo.io/ai-website-builder Elementor AI: https://elementor.com/products/ai/ Notion: https://affiliate.notion.so/ri2nsfybqxob-4y5a7 Clickup: https://clickup.com/ Xmind: https://xmind.ai/ (15% con "ALEJAVI15") Microsoft Copilot: https://news.microsoft.com/es-xl/presentamos-el-programa-microsoft-365-copilot-early-access-y-nuevas-capacidades-en-copilot/ Google AI workspace: https://workspace.google.com/solutions/ai/ *Bonus Extra* Tutor AI: https://www.tutorai.me/ Wisdolia: https://www.wisdolia.com/ Browse Ai: https://www.browse.ai/ Connectif: https://connectif.ai/ Oxolo: https://www.oxolo.com/ Tome: https://tome.app/invite/alejavi-clgfo0x664ua0405m6th3e3el Bloques: 00:00 Mejores herramientas de IA 00:30 Herramientas creativas por IA 01:58 Vídeos por IA 05:16 Imágenes por IA 07:20 Sonidos por IA 08:35 Textos por IA 10:31 Gestión de proyectos por IA 12:54 Bonus extra de herramientas de IA 👨🏻💻 Mi equipo: Cámara: https://amzn.to/41xBoSG Micrófono: https://amzn.to/40rRvA9 Luces principales: https://amzn.to/3oALeEZ Luz de aro: https://amzn.to/43TRiZk Luces de fondo: https://amzn.to/3UZl7DD ❤️ ¿Te gustó el vídeo? Compártelo, suscríbete y déjame un me gusta, me ayudarás muchísimo 🙏🏼 Además, puedes apoyarme clicando sobre el Corazón llamado "Gracias" 🫱🏼🫲🏽 ¿Colaboramos? Si eres empresa, te dejo por aquí mi email: alejavi.colaboraciones@gmail.com
ما يجب على كل طبيب أن يعرفه عن الذكاء الصناعي الآن
كل ما تحتاج معرفته كطبيب عن أحدث وأفضل تطبيقات الذكاء الصناعي ستجده في هذا البث المباشر تعلم الآن في هذا الفيديو كل ماتحتاجه من أحسن أدوات وبرامج وأوامر الذكاء الصناعي التي يحتاجها كل طبيب: Google Gemini - ChatGPT - Claude - LLM - MedPalm2 - AI Scribe - Prompt Engineering ** رابط جروب تليجرام أنشأها صديقي العزيز د.أحمد شطا للأطباء الراغبين في مواكبة تطورات الذكاء الصناعي: https://t.me/AIfordoctors ** رابط أداة الكتابة الطبية المجانية المفضلة لي - هايدي سكرايب: (الاشتراك من خلال هذا الرابط يعطيك الفرصة لتجربة النسخة البرو المدفوعة مجاناً لمدة شهر.. بعدها يمكنك الرجوع للنسخة المجانية بدون أن تدفع أي مقابل): https://scribe.heidihealth.com/register?via=84bd6b ** رابط متجر افضل ادوات الذكاء الصناعي المجانية والمدفوعة: https://www.futuretools.io/ ** رابط نموذج الذكاء الصناعي الطبي - جلاس إيه آي: https://glass.health/ تحياتي واحترامي وحبي د.محمد منصور طبيب الباطنة والكلى - بريطانيا
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