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A Japanese Christian Testimony : 日本人クリスチャンの私の証
How was this video? If you like it, please subscribe my channel💛 @sakitonihongo 📖Japanese & English Bilingual Bible📖 Old and New Testament https://amzn.to/3Y7TcEN Bilingual Kid's Bible https://amzn.to/3Bwkfkx 🌸 Book my 1 on 1 Speaking Lesson 🌸 https://calendly.com/sakitonihongo 📙 Recommend Text Book for Japanese Beginners 📙 GENKI 1- https://amzn.to/3Y6JnFM GENKI 2 - https://amzn.to/3ZX98es GENKI1 & 2 - https://amzn.to/3YmAcmf 📷 Instagram (Learning Japanese) https://www.instagram.com/saki_to_nihongo 🗾 Recommend App for Japanese Conversation Practice 🗾 Lingly AI - https://lingly.ai/?utm_campaign=saki Please don't forget to use this Big Discount Code : LEARNJAPANESE 🌲 My another channel (Daily Vlogs) 🌲 @saki_homevideo
How can we share Jesus with the Japanese? : イエス様を日本人にどう伝える?
How was this video? If you like it, please subscribe my channel💛 @sakitonihongo 📖Japanese & English Bilingual Bible📖 Old and New Testament https://amzn.to/3Y7TcEN Bilingual Kid's Bible https://amzn.to/3Bwkfkx 🌸 Book my 1 on 1 Speaking Lesson 🌸 https://calendly.com/sakitonihongo 📙 Recommend Text Book for Japanese Beginners 📙 GENKI 1- https://amzn.to/3Y6JnFM GENKI 2 - https://amzn.to/3ZX98es GENKI1 & 2 - https://amzn.to/3YmAcmf 📷 Instagram (Learning Japanese) https://www.instagram.com/saki_to_nihongo 🗾 Recommend App for Japanese Conversation Practice 🗾 Lingly AI - https://lingly.ai/?utm_campaign=saki Please don't forget to use this Big Discount Code : LEARNJAPANESE 🌲 My another channel (Daily Vlogs) 🌲 @saki_homevideo
What do Japanese people think about religion? | Japanese Listening Podcast | JLPT N5 N4 N3
How was this video? If you like it, please subscribe my channel💛 @sakitonihongo 🌸 Book my 1 on 1 Speaking Lesson 🌸 https://calendly.com/sakitonihongo 🗾 Recommend App for Japanese Conversation Practice 🗾 Lingly AI - https://lingly.ai/?utm_campaign=saki Please don't forget to use this Big Discount Code : LEARNJAPANESE 📙 Recommend Text Book for Japanese Beginners 📙 GENKI 1- https://amzn.to/3Y6JnFM GENKI 2 - https://amzn.to/3ZX98es GENKI1 & 2 - https://amzn.to/3YmAcmf 📷 Instagram (Learning Japanese) https://www.instagram.com/saki_to_nihongo 🌲 My another channel (Daily Vlogs) 🌲 @saki_homevideo 📷 My another Instagram https://www.instagram.com/saki_homevideo ✨ 30 Useful Japanese Words in this video ✨ 1. お盆 (Obon) - Obon 2. 彼岸 (Higan) - Higan 3. 仏壇 (Butsudan) - Buddhist altar 4. 供養 (Kuyō) - Memorial service 5. お供え物 (Osonaemono) - Offering 6. 神道 (Shintō) - Shinto 7. 神前式 (Shinzen-shiki) - Shinto wedding 8. 巫女 (Miko) - Shrine maiden 9. 神主 (Kannushi) - Shrine priest 10. お祓い (Oharai) - Purification 11. 教会 (Kyōkai) - Church 12. チャペル (Chaperu) - Chapel 13. キリスト教(Kirisutokyō) - Christian 14. カトリック (Katorikku) - Catholic 15. 神父 (Shinpu) - Priest 16. 仏教 (Bukkyō) - Buddhism 17. 複数 (Fukusū) - Multiple 18. 多神教 (Tashinkyō) - Polytheism 19. 無宗教 (Mushūkyō) - Non-religious 20. 儀式 (Gishiki) - Ceremony 21. 習慣 (Shūkan) - Habit 22. 個人的な関係 (Kojinteki na kankei) - Personal relationship 23. 信仰 (Shinkō) - Faith 24. 新興宗教 (Shinkō shūkyō) - New religion 25. テロ行為 (Tero kōi) - Terrorism 26. カルト (Karuto) - Cult 27. 暴力 (Bōryoku) - Violence 28. 洗脳 (Sennō) - Brainwashing 29. 福音 (Fukuin) - Gospel 30. アプローチ (Apurōchi) - Approach
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