使用Originality.AI非常简单和直观。以下是使用方法: 1. 在Originality.AI网站注册并创建帐户。 2. 选择适合您需求的定价计划。 3. 访问用户仪表板并开始使用AI内容检测和抄袭检查功能。 4. 要检查内容,请直接粘贴文本,上传文件或提供URL。 5. Originality.AI将使用其先进的AI算法分析内容并提供准确的结果。 6. 检查检测到的AI内容,抄袭分数和可读性分数。 7. 使用共享扫描链接共享结果或生成详细报告。 8. 进一步探索团队管理、API集成和批量网站扫描等其他功能,以增强您的内容质量控制流程。 通过Originality.AI,您可以轻松确保您的内容的原创性和质量。
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Chat GPT Detector: How to Check and Remove Plagiarism Like a Pro!
🏆 *GravityWrite* ➜ https://wl.tools/gravitywrite ❤️ *Paraphraser* ➜ https://wl.tools/paraphraser 👉 *Smallseotools* ➜ https://smallseotools.com/ ⚡ *GPTZero* ➜ https://wl.tools/GPTZero 💼 *Orginality.ai* ➜ https://originality.ai/ 🔥 *The Best Place to Host your Website* - https://webspacekit.com/ 📌 *Get New Video Updates* ➜ https://whatsapp.com/channel/0029VaAYBig7IUYaC6vcu53s 🎬𝗧𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲 𝗼𝗳 𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘀 00:00 Intro 01:02 Doing Plagiarism check 02:43 Rewrite the content (Plagiarism free) 04:23 Remove plagiarism from AI generated blog post 05:33 AI detection test 06:25 Rewrite article (Plagiarism & AI detection free) 07:46 Generate completely human written blog post In today's world, the need for high-quality, original content is important to achieve your goals However, creating such content can be a time-consuming and challenging task. That's where GravityWrite comes in. GravityWrite is an AI-powered content generator that helps you create plagiarism-free, AI-detectable content in just a few clicks. With GravityWrite, you can generate blog posts, articles, social media posts, and more – all without worrying about plagiarism or AI detection. By the end of this video, you will be able to generate 100% human-written content. That will help you reach your target audience and achieve your goals. 🎁 *Tools & Discounts* 🟡 📋 GravityWrite | https://wl.tools/gravitywrite 🟡 📊 WebSpaceKit | 50% off | https://wl.tools/webspacekit 🟡 🌐 Hostinger|10% off | Coupon: WL10|https://wl.tools/hostinger 🟡 🔍 Grammarly|20% off|https://wl.coupons/Grammarly 🟡 📈 Mangools|10% off|https://wl.coupons/mangools 🟡 🖼️ Astra|10% off Coupon: WLDiscount|https://wl.coupons/Astra 🟡 📹 Pictory.ai | 20% off, Coupon: WLPROMO | https://wl.tools/pictory.ai 🙌 *Officially* *We’re Hiring* https://websitelearners.com/careers/ Want your website developed by us? Email us your requirements to contact@websitelearners.com 💬 *Follow &Chat with us* Instagram ➜ https://www.instagram.com/websitelearners Facebook ➜ https://www.facebook.com/websitelearners LinkedIn ➜ https://www.linkedin.com/company/website-learners
The CORRECT Way to Write a Book with ChatGPT - Do This NOW
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AI Detection Bypass: How to Write Undetectable AI Content
❤️ *GravityWrite* ➜ https://gravitywrite.com/ 👉 *SEO.AI* ➜ https://seo.ai/ ⚡ *GPTZero* ➜ https://wl.tools/GPTZero 💼 *Originality* ➜ https://originality.ai/ 📌 *Get New Video Updates* ➜ https://whatsapp.com/channel/0029VaAYBig7IUYaC6vcu53s 🎬 *Table of Contents* 00:00 Intro 00:45 Create AI Content 00:57 Testing AI content 01:58 Instruct AI for human written content 02:13 Testing AI content 02:42 Generate complete detection proof content 03:09 Testing the content 04:10 Generate human written blog (AI detection free) Whether you're a content creator or just starting to explore the world of AI-powered writing, this video will guide you to create plagiarism-free, AI-detectable content in just a few clicks. In this video, we will show you how to use Gravitywrite to write undetectable AI content. Gravitywrite is an AI content writing tool that can help you create high-quality content that is indistinguishable from human-written content. By the end of this video, you will be able to generate 100% human-written content.that will help you reach your target audience and achieve your goals. #AIContent #AIDetectionBypass #UndetectableWriting #ContentCreation #AIAlgorithmIdentification #HumanLikeWriting #OnlineMarketing #WritingSkills 🎁 *Tools & Discounts* 🟡 📋 GravityWrite | https://wl.tools/gravitywrite 🟡 📊 WebSpaceKit | 50% off | https://wl.tools/webspacekit 🟡 🌐 Hostinger|10% off | Coupon: WL10|https://wl.tools/hostinger 🟡 🔍 Grammarly|20% off|https://wl.coupons/Grammarly 🟡 📈 Mangools|10% off|https://wl.coupons/mangools 🟡 🖼️ Astra|10% off Coupon: WLDiscount|https://wl.coupons/Astra 🟡 📹 Pictory.ai | 20% off, Coupon: WLPROMO | https://wl.tools/pictory.ai 🙌 *Officially* *We’re Hiring* https://websitelearners.com/careers/ Want your website developed by us? Email us your requirements to contact@websitelearners.com 💬 *Follow &Chat with us* Instagram ➜ https://www.instagram.com/websitelearners Facebook ➜ https://www.facebook.com/websitelearners LinkedIn ➜ https://www.linkedin.com/company/website-learners
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