Prembly 公司名字: Prembly. Inc. .
Prembly 公司地理位置: Washington, DC Lagos, Nigeria.
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Do you know that customer physical address verification is now non negotiable, and failure to comply can jeopardize your organization’s compliance status? Ensure compliance with the new regulatory mandate by The Central Bank of Nigeria. Use our physical address verification endpoint to seamlessly verify addresses to complete the #KYC process, to stay compliant and ultimately keep your platform safe! Existing Customers, navigate on your Identitypass’ dashboard to use this endpoint. For new customers, signup via; account.prembly.com to get started! #PhysicalAddressVerification #AddressVerificationinNigeria #AddressVerification #KnowYourCustomer #KnowYourBusiness #KYC #kyb #PREMBLY #myIdentitypass
You may ask, Does a Background check mean I got the job? A potential employer may mention that confirmation of the job offer is determined by the outcome of a background check. www.prembly.com #Job #cv #Prembly #Work #Backgroudcheck #Nigeria #Employer #Employee #Online #Kenya #ATS #Compliant #HR #Today