使用预构建的REST API路由、用于文本嵌入的Pinecone和用于聊天端点的RAG,在几分钟内使您的AI初创公司运行起来
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StartKit.AI 公司名字: Squarecat .
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$149 USD
$249 USD
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Setting up StartKit.AI and creating a ChatGPT clone in 10 minutes
In this video I guide you through the process of setting up StartKit.AI for the first time and how to create a ChatGPT clone in 10 minutes! We take you through the steps of creating a simple ChatGPT clone that can answer questions about uploaded documents. Learn how to configure MongoDB Atlas, Pinecone Vector Database, upload documents interact with your chatbot, and how to customize chat prompts. Build your next AI startup faster with StartKit.AI - no AI experience required!⚡️