flair / ner-multi-fast

Total runs: 113
24-hour runs: -4
7-day runs: -1
30-day runs: -85
Model's Last Updated: October 04 2022

Introduction of ner-multi-fast

Model Details of ner-multi-fast

4-Language NER in Flair (English, German, Dutch and Spanish)

This is the fast 4-class NER model for 4 CoNLL-03 languages that ships with Flair . Also kind of works for related languages like French.

F1-Score: 91,51 (CoNLL-03 English), 85,72 (CoNLL-03 German revised), 86,22 (CoNLL-03 Dutch), 85,78 (CoNLL-03 Spanish)

Predicts 4 tags:

tag meaning
PER person name
LOC location name
ORG organization name
MISC other name

Based on Flair embeddings and LSTM-CRF.

Demo: How to use in Flair

Requires: Flair ( pip install flair )

from flair.data import Sentence
from flair.models import SequenceTagger

# load tagger
tagger = SequenceTagger.load("flair/ner-multi-fast")

# make example sentence in any of the four languages
sentence = Sentence("George Washington ging nach Washington")

# predict NER tags

# print sentence

# print predicted NER spans
print('The following NER tags are found:')
# iterate over entities and print
for entity in sentence.get_spans('ner'):

This yields the following output:

Span [1,2]: "George Washington"   [− Labels: PER (0.9977)]
Span [5]: "Washington"   [− Labels: LOC (0.9895)]

So, the entities " George Washington " (labeled as a person ) and " Washington " (labeled as a location ) are found in the sentence " George Washington ging nach Washington ".

Training: Script to train this model

The following Flair script was used to train this model:

from flair.data import Corpus
from flair.datasets import CONLL_03, CONLL_03_GERMAN, CONLL_03_DUTCH, CONLL_03_SPANISH
from flair.embeddings import WordEmbeddings, StackedEmbeddings, FlairEmbeddings

# 1. get the multi-language corpus
corpus: Corpus = MultiCorpus([
    CONLL_03(),         # English corpus
    CONLL_03_GERMAN(),  # German corpus
    CONLL_03_DUTCH(),   # Dutch corpus
    CONLL_03_SPANISH(), # Spanish corpus

# 2. what tag do we want to predict?
tag_type = 'ner'

# 3. make the tag dictionary from the corpus
tag_dictionary = corpus.make_tag_dictionary(tag_type=tag_type)

# 4. initialize each embedding we use
embedding_types = [

    # GloVe embeddings

    # FastText embeddings

    # contextual string embeddings, forward

    # contextual string embeddings, backward

# embedding stack consists of Flair and GloVe embeddings
embeddings = StackedEmbeddings(embeddings=embedding_types)

# 5. initialize sequence tagger
from flair.models import SequenceTagger

tagger = SequenceTagger(hidden_size=256,

# 6. initialize trainer
from flair.trainers import ModelTrainer

trainer = ModelTrainer(tagger, corpus)

# 7. run training


Please cite the following papers when using this model.

  title={Multilingual sequence labeling with one model},
  author={Akbik, Alan and Bergmann, Tanja and Vollgraf, Roland}
  booktitle = {{NLDL} 2019, Northern Lights Deep Learning Workshop},
  year      = {2019}
  title={Contextual String Embeddings for Sequence Labeling},
  author={Akbik, Alan and Blythe, Duncan and Vollgraf, Roland},
  booktitle = {{COLING} 2018, 27th International Conference on Computational Linguistics},
  pages     = {1638--1649},
  year      = {2018}

Runs of flair ner-multi-fast on huggingface.co

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24-hour runs
3-day runs
7-day runs
30-day runs

More Information About ner-multi-fast huggingface.co Model

ner-multi-fast huggingface.co

ner-multi-fast huggingface.co is an AI model on huggingface.co that provides ner-multi-fast's model effect (), which can be used instantly with this flair ner-multi-fast model. huggingface.co supports a free trial of the ner-multi-fast model, and also provides paid use of the ner-multi-fast. Support call ner-multi-fast model through api, including Node.js, Python, http.

ner-multi-fast huggingface.co Url


flair ner-multi-fast online free

ner-multi-fast huggingface.co is an online trial and call api platform, which integrates ner-multi-fast's modeling effects, including api services, and provides a free online trial of ner-multi-fast, you can try ner-multi-fast online for free by clicking the link below.

flair ner-multi-fast online free url in huggingface.co:


ner-multi-fast install

ner-multi-fast is an open source model from GitHub that offers a free installation service, and any user can find ner-multi-fast on GitHub to install. At the same time, huggingface.co provides the effect of ner-multi-fast install, users can directly use ner-multi-fast installed effect in huggingface.co for debugging and trial. It also supports api for free installation.

ner-multi-fast install url in huggingface.co:


Url of ner-multi-fast

ner-multi-fast huggingface.co Url

Provider of ner-multi-fast huggingface.co


Other API from flair


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