10 Key Features to Make Your Discord Server Stand Out (2021)

10 Key Features to Make Your Discord Server Stand Out (2021)

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Discord Server Setup 2.1 Verification and Anti-Raid Protection 2.2 Managing Pings 2.3 Member Count 2.4 Logging User Actions 2.5 Creating a Staff Guide 2.6 Choosing the Right Staff Members
  3. Feedback and Suggestions 3.1 Suggestion System 3.2 Tickets and Mod Mails 3.3 Using Embeds
  4. Maintaining Server Originality 4.1 Never Copying Others
  5. Conclusion

Article: How to Make Your Discord Server Stand Out


Discord servers are a unique and diverse online platform where communities Gather. However, to make your server truly exceptional, there are certain features and strategies you should consider. In this article, we will explore ten key elements that can help your server stand out from the crowd.

Discord Server Setup

  1. Verification and Anti-Raid Protection

One of the essential features for any community server is verification and anti-raid protection. Imagine waking up one day to find all your hard work on your server gone due to a malicious raid. To prevent this, it is crucial to have an anti-raid bot installed, such as Wikbot or Security Bot. Additionally, instead of a simple reaction click for verification, consider implementing a more advanced system that requires a certain command or a captcha. This ensures a higher level of security.

  1. Managing Pings

While keeping members engaged is important, using "@everyone" pings for every little notification can quickly drive members away. Instead, minimize the use of pings and reserve them for important announcements. Create different roles for various occasions and allow members to choose when they would like to receive notifications. Utilizing reaction rules can help replace excessive pinging, ensuring a better user experience.

  1. Member Count

While not a significant feature, displaying the member count can give your server a Sense of credibility. Having a public server often benefits from showcasing a Channel or category that automatically updates the member count. Bots like Server Stats can assist in effortlessly setting up this feature.

  1. Logging User Actions

To maintain a well-run server and ensure accountability, it is essential to track and log user actions. A bot like Carlbot can be instrumental in creating separate channels to Record each specific event that occurs in your server. By doing so, you can easily moderate and review any actions taken, enhancing transparency within the community.

  1. Creating a Staff Guide

To ensure consistent moderation and a clear understanding of server rules, it is advisable to create a staff guide. This guide should provide comprehensive instructions for new staff members and educate them on the moderating process specific to your server. It also allows you to establish specific rules for staff members, ensuring a Cohesive and well-managed server environment.

  1. Choosing the Right Staff Members

Building a reliable moderation team is crucial for the smooth operation of your server. Selecting trustworthy staff members can be a challenge, as online moderation requires a high level of trust. To mitigate this, utilize staff applications with concise, Relevant questions to assess applicants' suitability. Using this method, you can assemble a dedicated team you feel comfortable trusting with moderation duties.

Feedback and Suggestions

  1. Suggestion System

Even the most well-crafted servers can have flaws that owners and staff may overlook. Creating a suggestion system in your server allows members to provide feedback, report issues, and suggest new features. By allowing members to have a voice in the server's development, you can improve user satisfaction and foster a sense of community involvement. Use a designated channel for suggestions and allow members to vote on proposed changes.

  1. Tickets and Mod Mails

Communication between members and staff is vital for a successful server. Implementing a ticket or mod mail system streamlines member-staff interactions and facilitates the handling of inquiries, reports, and even sponsorships or giveaways. Decide whether a ticket system or mod mail system best suits your server's needs, and encourage members to utilize these systems to reach out to staff.

  1. Using Embeds

To add a touch of professionalism to your server, consider using embeds for important announcements or channels such as server rules. Embeds can be created using Discord Webhooks, which allows you to format and display information beautifully. Embeds can provide a visually appealing and organized way to present crucial information to your members, enhancing your server's overall aesthetic.

Maintaining Server Originality

  1. Never Copying Others

While not a technical feature, maintaining originality is crucial for the success of your server. It can be tempting to copy and paste information or ideas from other servers, but doing so dilutes the unique identity of your community. Take the time and effort to create your own rules, guidelines, and server content. This sets your server apart and demonstrates your commitment to providing an authentic and engaging experience for your members.


In conclusion, making your Discord server stand out requires careful consideration of various elements. From implementing security measures to fostering member engagement and originality, these features can significantly enhance your server's appeal. By following the strategies outlined in this article, you can create a vibrant and thriving community that sets itself apart from the rest. So, go ahead and Apply these tips to make your Discord server a place where members truly feel valued and engaged.


  1. Verification and anti-raid protection are essential for a secure server environment.
  2. Minimize pinging "@everyone" to avoid member dissatisfaction.
  3. Displaying member count gives your server credibility.
  4. Logging user actions ensures transparency and accountability.
  5. Create a staff guide for consistent moderation practices.
  6. Utilize staff applications to select reliable members for your moderation team.
  7. Implement a suggestion system to involve members in server development.
  8. Use tickets or mod mails for efficient member-staff communication.
  9. Embeds add professionalism to your server and help organize important information.
  10. Maintain originality to make your server unique and engaging.


Q: How can I protect my server from raids? A: Utilize anti-raid bots like Wikbot or Security Bot and implement verification systems such as captchas or command-based verification.

Q: What is the best way to engage members without excessive pinging? A: Instead of pinging "@everyone" for every notification, create reaction rules and allow members to choose when they want to receive pings.

Q: How can I ensure transparency in server moderation? A: Use bots like Carlbot to log user actions and automatically post them in a designated channel. This way, all server actions are recorded and visible to everyone.

Q: How do I choose the right staff members for my server? A: Implement staff applications with concise and relevant questions to assess applicants' suitability. This helps ensure you have a trustworthy moderation team.

Q: How can I encourage member feedback and suggestions? A: Create a dedicated channel for suggestions and allow members to vote on proposed changes. This empowers members to shape the server's development.

Q: Should I use a ticket system or mod mails for member-staff communication? A: It depends on your server's needs. Both options can work effectively, so choose the one that fits your server's workflow better.

Q: Why is maintaining originality important for a Discord server? A: Copying content or ideas from other servers diminishes the uniqueness of your community. By creating original content, you provide an authentic experience for your members.

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