Efficiently Set Up New Clients in MindBody

Efficiently Set Up New Clients in MindBody

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Logging into Mind Body account
  3. Using Retail to find existing clients
  4. Adding Contracts for new clients
  5. Setting Contract Start Day
  6. Unchecking Pay Now box
  7. Adding Items to Contract
  8. Using Key or Stored Credit Card option
  9. Checking out for retail items
  10. Adding a new client manually
  11. Conclusion

How to Set Up a New Client in Mind Body Account

If You are part of a fitness or wellness business, then the Mind Body software is likely going to be quite familiar to you. It is a popular tool for managing clients' information, scheduling classes, and taking payments. One of the most important features of Mind Body is its ability to help you set up and manage new clients in a straightforward and efficient way. In this article, We Are going to guide you through the process of setting up a new client in your Mind Body account.

Logging into Mind Body Account

The first step to setting up a new client is, of course, logging into your Mind Body account. Once you're in, the process is relatively simple. If you already have a contract set up for the client, then your task is even easier.

Using Retail to Find Existing Clients

If the client has registered for your services in the past, then they are most likely already in your system. To find them, click on the 'Retail' option. You can then search for the client's name. When you find their name, select it and come over to the 'Contracts' section.

Adding Contracts for New Clients

For new clients, click on 'Retail' and then select 'Add Contract'. This will open up a new screen where you will be able to set up the client's contract. Make sure to enter the start date of the contract, so that you can communicate this with the client and ensure that the payment is charged on the correct date.

Setting Contract Start Day

After selecting the contract, you will be taken to a screen that shows the start day of the contract. Make sure that you communicate this date to your client.

Unchecking Pay Now Box

If the new client is someone who signed up after a promotional event or the end of a deal like the 'human billboard', then you can uncheck the 'Pay Now' box. This way, they will not be charged right away, but their payment will be drafted at the end of the promotion.

Adding Items to Contract

After you have unchecked the 'Pay Now' box, click on 'Add Item'. Make sure that the client's payment start date corresponds to the end of the promotional deal or the preferred start date.

Using Key or Stored Credit Card Option

When setting up a new client's payment, it is best to use the 'Key or Stored Credit Card' option. Enter all the client's credit card details and billing information in the system and store them for future payments.

Checking Out for Retail Items

If your client purchases a retail item, the process is similar to setting up a payment plan. Select the item, add it to the cart, and then choose your payment method. Make sure to use the 'Key or Stored Credit Card' option.

Adding a New Client Manually

If you are unable to find a new client in the system, they may not have completed a liability form or signed up for a deal. In this case, you can add them manually. Navigate to the 'Add Client' option and enter all their information. Once you have entered all their information, follow the same process as you would for setting up a new contract.


Setting up a new client in your Mind Body account is an essential process in managing your business. Ensure that you follow these steps carefully and select the appropriate options to save time, prevent errors and make the process as efficient as possible.


  • The Mind Body software helps manage client information
  • Setting up new clients in Mind Body is straightforward
  • The system stores credit card information for future payments


  • Some clients may not want their credit card information stored in the system
  • Mistakes may be made if the Pay Now box is not unchecked or Contract Start Date is not set correctly


  • Mind Body is a popular software for managing clients' information and payments.
  • Logging into Mind Body, finding existing clients or adding a new one manually is simple.
  • The Mind Body software allows for the storage of credit card information for future payments.
  • Making mistakes when setting up new clients can lead to unwanted charges or client dissatisfaction.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I use Mind Body to schedule appointments?

A: Yes, Mind Body can be used to schedule appointments as well as manage client information and payments.

Q: What happens if I accidentally charge a client too much?

A: You should immediately refund the client and apologize for the error. Be transparent about what happened and take appropriate steps to prevent the mistake from happening again in the future.

Q: Can I customize the notification settings in Mind Body?

A: Yes, Mind Body allows you to customize notification settings according to your preference. You can choose to receive notifications for any new sales or appointments, and set up reminders for clients.

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