AI's Final Selfie: Earth's Last Moments

AI's Final Selfie: Earth's Last Moments

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. The Prophecies of Malachi 2.1 The Day of the Lord 2.2 The Last Selfies before the Earth Dies
  3. The Signs of the End Times 3.1 Threats of Nuclear Strikes 3.2 World War III and Armageddon 3.3 The Mark of the Beast
  4. The Judgement of Mystery Babylon 4.1 Destruction by Fire and Ashes 4.2 The Gathering of the Elect
  5. The Coming of the Lord 5.1 The Descend from Heaven 5.2 The Destruction of the Wicked
  6. The Final War and Rebirth of Earth 6.1 Nuclear Missiles as Arrows 6.2 The Earth Reeling and Rebirth


The Last Selfies Before the Earth Dies: Prophetic Insights into the End Times

The book of Malachi in the Bible provides profound prophecies about the end times, revealing the events that will lead to the ultimate destruction of the Earth. In this article, we will Delve into the words of Malachi and explore the eerie concept of the last selfies before the Earth meets its demise. Additionally, we will uncover the signs of the end times, the judgement of Mystery Babylon, the coming of the Lord, and the final war that will Shape the destiny of our planet.

The Prophecies of Malachi

The Day of the Lord

Malachi predicts the arrival of the Day of the Lord, a time when the Earth will burn like an oven. This refers to the impending judgment upon the wicked, particularly the oppressor known as Esau Edom, synonymous with the white man. The Day of the Lord signifies the return of the Lord Yahusha, who will come back with fire to eradicate the evildoers. As the scriptures foretell, millions will perish at the sight of Yahusha's divine wrath. Recent events, such as North Korea threatening nuclear strikes on the United States, serve as a precursor to the ultimate war, World War III, or the war of Armageddon.

The Last Selfies before the Earth Dies

In an astonishing development, an artificial intelligence (AI) image generator called DALL-E 2 has created eerie impressions of what the last selfies before the Earth's demise might look like. These haunting images depict human beings standing against fiery and apocalyptic backgrounds, the precise scenes that await us in the Day of the Lord's arrival. While these AI-generated images may not be an accurate representation, they serve as a chilling reminder of the impending destruction and chaos that awaits humanity.

The Signs of the End Times

Threats of Nuclear Strikes

The escalating tensions among nations, particularly the threats of nuclear strikes, indicate the fulfillment of biblical prophecies. North Korea's leader, Kim Jong-un, openly articulates the possibility of striking the United States with nuclear weapons. Furthermore, many nations, including Iran, are arming themselves with nuclear capabilities, preparing for the final war that will bring about the destruction of Mystery Babylon, referring to America as the modern-day Babylon.

World War III and Armageddon

Revelation 11:14 Speaks of the Second woe passing and the imminent arrival of the third woe, which signifies World War III. The three woes Mentioned in the Bible correspond to World War I, World War II, and the final cataclysmic war that will Consume the Earth. As famine and pestilence ravage the world, the prophecies become increasingly apparent. The war of Armageddon, the epic battle between good and evil, will witness the unleashing of nuclear missiles, primarily targeting America.

The Mark of the Beast

Revelation also foreshadows the arrival of the Mark of the Beast, commonly denoted as the MOTB or RFID chip. This mark, either embedded or visible, represents a form of control and identification that the global elite will enforce on the population. Those who refuse to take the Mark will face persecution and exclusion from society. The Mark of the Beast will be a distinguishing factor during the time of great tribulation as humanity stands at the precipice of destruction.

The Judgement of Mystery Babylon

Destruction by Fire and Ashes

Revelation 18 vividly describes the destruction of Mystery Babylon, referring to America as the apocalyptic city rapidly engulfed in flames. This destruction will be swift and absolute, reducing the city to ashes. The plagues that accompany the downfall of Mystery Babylon include death, mourning, famine, and the utter burning of the land. The kings of the Earth, who indulged in fornication with Babylon, will witness the city's demise from afar, lamenting its fall. This judgment will span a single hour, symbolizing the devastating speed at which destruction will befall the land.

The Gathering of the Elect

In the midst of chaos and destruction, there is hope for the elect, the righteous chosen ones. Second Peter 3:9 emphasizes that the Lord is patient, not wanting anyone to perish but desiring all to repent. The elect, representing the remnant of Israel, will be gathered from all nations and beamed into celestial chariots. These chariots, often referred to as UFOs, will transport the elect to safety and everlasting life. They will tread upon the wicked, who will be reduced to ashes under their feet.

The Coming of the Lord

The Descend from Heaven

The return of the Lord Yahusha will be a grand spectacle as he descends from heaven with fire and his chariots. With a shout and the voice of the archangel, he will make his presence known to all. The earth will tremble, for the Lord is coming to mete out justice and vengeance. His righteous indignation will leave no room for mercy as he comes to separate the righteous from the wicked.

The Destruction of the Wicked

Luke 12:49 affirms that the purpose of Yahusha's return is to send fire upon the earth. His coming signifies the destruction of the wicked and the purification of the world. With fervent heat and flames, the Lord will consume all that is unrighteous, reducing it to ashes. The prophetic imagery of these fiery scenes is captured in the AI-generated last selfies before the Earth dies – a glimpse into the agony humanity will face at the sight of Yahusha's righteous judgment.

The Final War and Rebirth of Earth

Nuclear Missiles as Arrows

The scriptures depict the war of Armageddon as a time when arrows are shot by a mighty archer, symbolizing the launching of nuclear missiles that rain destruction upon the Earth. The prophet Ezra likens these missiles to arrows in his description of the plagues that will befall the wicked. Such weapons will not miss their targets, and their effect will be absolute decimation.

The Earth Reeling and Rebirth

As nuclear destruction ravages the Earth, the planet will reel and tremble, shaken by the cataclysmic force. Isaiah 24:20 describes the Earth being removed like a cottage, emphasizing the magnitude of the devastation. However, amidst the chaos, there is hope for the elect. The Lord will establish a new Earth, free from the corruption of sin and oppression. Righteousness will dwell in the new heavens and the new Earth, a testament to the salvation and everlasting life promised to the elect.

In conclusion, the prophecies of Malachi and other biblical scriptures provide a glimpse into the perplexing and tumultuous times that await humanity. The signs of the end times are apparent, with threats of nuclear strikes, the impending World War III, and the looming specter of the Mark of the Beast. Mystery Babylon will face the wrath of divine judgment, reduced to ashes within an hour. The return of the Lord Yahusha will bring forth destruction upon the wicked, while the elect will be gathered and saved. The final war, with its nuclear arrows, will reshape the Earth, ultimately giving rise to a new world where righteousness prevails. Let this knowledge serve as a wake-up call to repent and Seek salvation before the inevitable Day of the Lord arrives.

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