Apple's Revival of JPEG XL Ignites a Fiery Rivalry with Google

Apple's Revival of JPEG XL Ignites a Fiery Rivalry with Google

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The Importance of Market Competition
  3. The Case for JPEG XL
  4. Lossless JPEG Recompression
  5. Progressive Decoding
  6. Better Compression than PNG
  7. Google's Decision to Remove Support
  8. Apple's Announcement
  9. Safari's Adoption of JPEG XL
  10. Impact on the Industry
  11. Request to Reopen the Issue
  12. Conclusion

The Rise of JPEG XL in the Competitive Web Browser Market


In today's digital age, market competition plays a crucial role in ensuring innovation, quality, and consumer choice. This holds true not only for products like CPUs, automobiles, and ISPs but also for web browsers. Without healthy competition, a single company can monopolize the market, limiting options and potentially exploiting its power. One such recent development in the web browser industry is the rise of JPEG XL, an advanced image format that promises improved compression and performance. This article delves into the significance of market competition, the case for JPEG XL, Google's decision to remove support, and the game-changing announcement by Apple regarding the adoption of JPEG XL in its Safari browser.

The Importance of Market Competition

Competition is the lifeblood of any industry, driving companies to constantly improve their products and services. In the Context of web browsers, competition ensures that users have access to a variety of options, each offering unique features and performance. It prevents a single dominant player from dictating the direction of the industry and stifling innovation. Moreover, competition provides consumers with the power to choose products that best suit their needs, ensuring a more tailored and satisfactory browsing experience.

The Case for JPEG XL

JPEG XL is a cutting-edge image format that has garnered Attention for its impressive capabilities. One of its key advantages is lossless JPEG recompression, which allows for the compression of existing JPEG images without compromising their quality. This means that the size of the image becomes smaller while retaining the same level of Detail, resulting in improved storage efficiency. Additionally, JPEG XL supports progressive decoding, enabling users to view a lower-resolution version of an image while it is still downloading, gradually displaying higher resolutions as more data is received. This feature enhances user experience by offering faster load times and a more seamless browsing experience.

Lossless JPEG Recompression

The concept of lossless JPEG recompression is a game-changer in the field of image compression. Traditional JPEG compression inherently sacrifices some image quality to achieve smaller file sizes. However, JPEG XL's lossless compression technique allows for a more efficient storage method that maintains the original image quality, making it an attractive option for both professional photographers and everyday users.

Progressive Decoding

Another notable feature of JPEG XL is progressive decoding, which revolutionizes the way images are displayed during the download process. Instead of waiting for the entire image to finish downloading, users can now view a preliminary low-resolution version of the image. As more data is retrieved, the image gradually becomes clearer and more detailed. This not only enhances the browsing experience but also saves bandwidth, making it particularly beneficial for users with limited internet connectivity.

Better Compression than PNG

In addition to its lossless compression and progressive decoding capabilities, JPEG XL outperforms other popular image formats such as PNG in terms of compression efficiency. By utilizing innovative compression algorithms, JPEG XL can achieve smaller file sizes without sacrificing image quality. This brings significant benefits in terms of reduced storage requirements and faster image loading times, making it an ideal candidate for web-Based applications.

Google's Decision to Remove Support

While JPEG XL showed great promise, Google made the controversial decision to remove support for the format in version 110 of Chrome. Citing experimental flags and limited ecosystem interest, Google claimed that the Incremental benefits offered by JPEG XL did not justify enabling it by default. By discontinuing support, Google aimed to focus on improving existing image formats and reducing the maintenance burden. However, this decision attracted criticism, with smaller companies and organizations expressing their interest in JPEG XL and its potential benefits.

Apple's Announcement

In a surprising turn of events, Apple announced support for JPEG XL in its Safari browser during the WWDC 2023 event. This news rippled through the industry, changing the landscape for JPEG XL adoption. Safari, with its significant market share on Apple platforms, including iOS, iPadOS, macOS Monterey, and watchOS, became a major player supporting the format. Third-party developers also gained the opportunity to integrate JPEG XL into their applications, further cementing its relevance and potential for widespread usage.

Safari's Adoption of JPEG XL

With the upcoming release of Safari 17, Apple solidified its commitment to embracing JPEG XL. Supported across all Apple platforms, Safari 17's beta version showcased the inclusion of JPEG XL within the browser, Safari view controller, and WKWebView. This move not only provided users with enhanced image compression and performance but also signaled a seismic shift in the industry's Perception of JPEG XL. With Apple's seal of approval, the format gained credibility and Momentum, paving the way for increased adoption in the wider web ecosystem.

Impact on the Industry

The adoption of JPEG XL by Safari and the growing interest from various industry players have spurred discussions within the Chromium community. A request to reopen the original issue regarding JPEG XL support in Chromium was raised, highlighting the changing landscape and the perceived increase in ecosystem interest. Although Google has remained relatively silent on the matter, the pressure to reconsider their decision becomes stronger as more browsers and platforms embrace JPEG XL. Companies and developers, influenced by Safari's adoption, are pushing for wider support of the format, particularly given the undeniable benefits it brings to image compression and browsing performance.

Request to Reopen the Issue

The reopening of the JPEG XL issue in the Chromium project is currently under consideration. Discussions among Chromium developers and contributors aim to assess the shifting dynamics and evaluate the feasibility and advantages of adding native support for JPEG XL. The inclusion of JPEG XL in Safari, coupled with the demands from various stakeholders, challenges the initial perception of low interest within the ecosystem. As the industry evolves, it is increasingly crucial for Google to revisit its decision and address the growing demand for JPEG XL support.


The rise of JPEG XL in the competitive web browser market signifies the importance of market competition, innovation, and user demand. With its lossless compression, progressive decoding, and enhanced compression efficiency, JPEG XL offers a compelling solution for image optimization and improved browsing experience. Apple's adoption of JPEG XL in Safari has set in motion a transformative shift in the industry, prompting discussions and requests for reconsideration within the Chromium project. As the ecosystem continues to embrace this advanced image format, the likelihood of JPEG XL becoming a standard across browsers and platforms increases, promising a brighter future for optimized web content and user satisfaction.


  • Market competition is essential for driving innovation, quality, and consumer choice in various industries, including web browsers.
  • JPEG XL is an advanced image format with features like lossless JPEG recompression and progressive decoding, offering improved compression and performance.
  • Google's decision to remove support for JPEG XL in Chrome sparked controversy, despite interest from smaller companies and organizations.
  • Apple's announcement of JPEG XL support in Safari marked a significant shift in the industry, with potential implications for widespread adoption.
  • The reopening of the JPEG XL issue in the Chromium project is being considered, driven by demands and changing dynamics within the ecosystem.


Q: What is the significance of market competition in the web browser industry? A: Market competition fosters innovation, quality, and consumer choice, ensuring that users have access to a variety of browsers with unique features and performance.

Q: What are the key advantages of JPEG XL as an image format? A: JPEG XL offers lossless JPEG recompression, progressive decoding, and superior compression efficiency compared to formats like PNG, leading to enhanced image quality and faster load times.

Q: Why did Google remove support for JPEG XL in Chrome? A: Google cited experimental flags and perceived low interest from the ecosystem as reasons for discontinuing JPEG XL support, opting to focus on improving existing formats.

Q: How did Apple's announcement impact the adoption of JPEG XL? A: Apple's adoption of JPEG XL in Safari, across all its platforms, added credibility and momentum to the format, driving discussions and demands for wider support in the industry.

Q: Are there ongoing discussions to reconsider JPEG XL support in Chromium? A: Yes, the Chromium community is evaluating the changing dynamics and increased ecosystem interest, considering the possibility of reopening the issue and adding native support for JPEG XL.

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