Don't Throw Out Your Broken Flat Screen TV! WATCH THIS VIDEO!

Don't Throw Out Your Broken Flat Screen TV! WATCH THIS VIDEO!

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Overview of TV Repair
  3. Common TV Issues
    • 3.1 No Power
    • 3.2 Defective Picture
    • 3.3 No Audio
    • 3.4 Backlight Issues
  4. Troubleshooting TV Problems
    • 4.1 Hard Reset
    • 4.2 Checking Voltage
    • 4.3 Identifying Defective Parts
  5. Repairing Power Supply Board
    • 5.1 Checking Capacitors
    • 5.2 Replacing Capacitors
    • 5.3 Soldering Techniques
  6. Other TV Repair Tips
    • 6.1 Ordering Replacement Boards
    • 6.2 Safety Precautions
    • 6.3 Common Mistakes to Avoid
  7. Conclusion


In this article, we will Delve into the world of TV repair, providing You with valuable insights, troubleshooting techniques, and repair tips that will help you fix common issues with your television. Whether you have a broken Sylvania TV, a Samsung Plasma TV with power problems, or a Vizio TV with no picture, this guide has got you covered. We will walk you through the process step by step, enabling you to save money and get your TV up and running again.

Overview of TV Repair

TV repair is a specialized field that deals with diagnosing and fixing various issues that can arise with televisions. From power problems to defective pictures, there are several common issues that can render your TV useless. It is essential to understand the different components of a TV, such as the power supply board, main logic board, and inverter board, to effectively troubleshoot and repair these problems.

Common TV Issues

3.1 No Power

One of the most common issues faced by TV owners is a complete lack of power. When you press the power button, you may Notice a brief click or Blink of the LED light, but the TV fails to turn on. This can be indicative of a problem with the power supply board or the main logic board.

3.2 Defective Picture

Another common issue is a defective picture. This can manifest as distorted images, flickering, lines on the screen, or a complete absence of display. While it might be tempting to assume that the LCD panel is at fault, often the culprit is the t-con board or other components on the main logic board.

3.3 No Audio

In some cases, you might encounter a situation where your TV has no audio but displays a picture. This can be caused by faulty audio circuits or loose connections. We will explore troubleshooting techniques to identify and resolve this issue.

3.4 Backlight Issues

If your TV turns on, but you notice a lack of brightness or a dim glow on the screen, the problem likely lies with the inverter boards. These boards are responsible for powering the backlight of the TV, and defects in them can result in a dimly lit or completely dark screen.

Troubleshooting TV Problems

When faced with a TV problem, it is crucial to follow a systematic troubleshooting approach to identify the root cause. This section will Outline the steps you can take to diagnose and fix the issue.

4.1 Hard Reset

Before diving into the repair process, it is worth attempting a hard reset. Simply unplug the power cord from your TV and wait for about a minute before plugging it back in. This simple action can sometimes fix minor issues and restore your TV to normal functioning.

4.2 Checking Voltage

To determine if the power supply board is at fault, you need to verify if the TV receives the necessary voltage. Using a multimeter, you can measure the voltage at various points on the board. Ideally, a standby voltage of 5 volts or 3.3 volts should be present.

4.3 Identifying Defective Parts

If the voltage readings are abnormal or fluctuating, it indicates a problem with the power supply board. Inspect the board for any visible signs of damage, such as burned or swollen capacitors. Identifying and replacing these faulty components can often solve the issue.

Repairing Power Supply Board

The power supply board is a crucial component of your TV that provides the necessary voltage to operate various circuits. If you have determined that this board is causing the problem, here's how you can fix it.

5.1 Checking Capacitors

Capacitors are known to be a common source of failure in power supply boards. Look for swollen or bulged capacitors, as these are likely defective and need to be replaced. Make note of the location and values of the faulty capacitors to proceed with the repair.

5.2 Replacing Capacitors

To replace the defective capacitors, you will need basic soldering skills. If you are not comfortable with soldering or don't have the necessary tools, you may consider ordering a replacement power supply board instead. Alternatively, you can Seek professional assistance for this repair.

5.3 Soldering Techniques

When soldering the new capacitors onto the board, ensure that you follow proper soldering techniques. Use lead-Based solder for better joint quality, but remember to take safety precautions by washing your hands and avoiding inhalation of fumes. Make secure connections and double-check all solder joints for optimal performance.

Other TV Repair Tips

In addition to power supply board repairs, there are other helpful tips to keep in mind during TV repair endeavors.

6.1 Ordering Replacement Boards

If you find yourself struggling with soldering or the repair seems too complex, consider ordering replacement boards for your TV. The cost of these boards is often comparable to the cost of repair materials. Swapping out the faulty board with a new one is relatively straightforward and can save you time and effort.

6.2 Safety Precautions

It is crucial to prioritize safety while working on your TV. Always unplug the power cord and discharge any residual charge before attempting any repairs. Additionally, ensure that you work in a well-ventilated area and take precautions to prevent electrostatic damage to sensitive components.

6.3 Common Mistakes to Avoid

When repairing your TV, it is important to avoid common mistakes that can further damage the device. Tugging on wires, applying excessive heat, or using incorrect capacitors can lead to irreversible damage. Stay patient, follow instructions carefully, and seek professional assistance when in doubt.


Repairing your TV can be a rewarding and cost-effective solution to common issues. By utilizing the troubleshooting techniques and repair tips outlined in this article, you can bring your malfunctioning TV back to life. Remember to exercise caution, stay organized, and seek professional help if needed. With determination and the right knowledge, you can become the go-to person for TV repairs among your friends and family.

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