Automate Content Creation with Flow Builder: A Guide to AI-driven Flows

Automate Content Creation with Flow Builder: A Guide to AI-driven Flows

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Overview of the Flow Builder
  3. Understanding the Interface
  4. Building a Simple Automation
    • Setting up a Trigger
    • Creating an Instruction
    • Sending the Content via Email
    • Approving or Rejecting the Content
    • Posting to Wordpress
  5. Adding More Control to the Automation
    • Generating a Blog Title
    • Combining Prompts
    • Checking for Plagiarism
    • Saving the Document on Contentport
  6. Viewing the Log File
  7. Conclusion
  8. FAQ


Welcome to the Flow Builder! In this article, we will explore the power of the Flow Builder tool and learn how to build automated content flows. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced user, this guide will walk you through the process of setting up AI-driven content automation in a simple and efficient way.

Overview of the Flow Builder

The Flow Builder is a robust tool that allows you to build automated content flows using triggers, actions, and filters. With this tool, you can generate sequences and merge prompts and actions to create customizable automations. In simpler terms, it helps you automate content creation using AI.

Understanding the Interface

Before we dive into building automated flows, let's take a moment to familiarize ourselves with the Flow Builder interface. The interface consists of two main sections: the flow canvas on the right and the triggers, actions, and filters on the left.

The flow canvas is where you drag and drop triggers, actions, and filters to build your flow. It provides a visual representation of the automation you're creating. On the left side of the screen, you'll find a list of available triggers, actions, and filters that you can use to build your flow.

Building a Simple Automation

Let's start by building a simple automation that creates a blog post every Monday at 10 AM, emails it for approval, and automatically pushes it to WordPress once approved. Follow the step-by-step instructions below to set up this automation:

Setting up a Trigger

  1. Name your flow to easily identify it later.
  2. Drag and drop the "Day Week" trigger onto the flow canvas.
  3. Set the trigger to activate every Monday at 10 AM, taking into account the correct time zone.

Creating an Instruction

  1. Drag and drop the "Instruct" action onto the flow canvas.
  2. Customize the Prompt by typing in your own instructions. In this case, we want the AI to create a blog post on content marketing.
  3. Connect the trigger and instruction by linking them together.

Sending the Content via Email

  1. To receive the content for approval, drag and drop the "Email" action onto the flow canvas.
  2. Configure the email settings to ensure it is sent to the appropriate recipient.
  3. Connect the instruction and email actions together.

Approving or Rejecting the Content

  1. In the flow canvas, you'll Notice two paths in pink, one for approval and one for rejection.
  2. If you're satisfied with the content, you can approve it by following the approval path. If not, you can choose the rejection path.
  3. To link the outputs from the instruction to the email, connect the content from the "Instruct" action to the content in the "Human Approval" filter.

Posting to WordPress

  1. Once the content is approved, it's time to automatically post it to WordPress.
  2. Drag and drop the "WordPress" action onto the flow canvas.
  3. Make sure you have linked your WordPress blog to ContentBot for this step to work.

Congratulations! You've successfully built a simple automation using the Flow Builder. The AI will now write a blog post on content marketing every Monday at 10 AM. It will email it to you for approval, and once approved, it will automatically be posted to your WordPress blog.

Adding More Control to the Automation

In the previous example, we built a basic automation. Now, Let's Enhance it by adding more control and customization. Follow the steps below to create an automation with additional features:

Generating a Blog Title

  1. Start by dragging and dropping the "Day Week" trigger and the "Instruct" action onto the flow canvas, just like in the previous example.
  2. In the first instruction, ask the AI to create a blog title on content marketing.
  3. Next, drag and drop the "Combine" action onto the canvas. This action will combine the blog title with a new prompt.
  4. Use the output from the "Combine" action in the next "Instruct" action, which will ask the AI to write a blog post.

Checking for Plagiarism

  1. To ensure the content is unique, add a Plagiarism Checker to the flow.
  2. Drag and drop the "Check Field" filter onto the canvas.
  3. Set the uniqueness score to be greater than 90 for the content to proceed.
  4. Connect the previous actions to the plagiarism checker.

Saving the Document on Contentport

  1. If the content passes the plagiarism check, we want to save it as a document on Contentport.
  2. Drag and drop the "Contentport" action onto the flow canvas.
  3. In this action, you can specify Where To save the document.
  4. Connect the necessary prompts and actions to the Contentport action.
  5. Put the blog title and blog post content into their respective fields.

That's it! You have now built an automation that generates a blog title, combines prompts, checks for plagiarism, and saves the document on Contentport. This provides you with more control and customization options for your content.

Viewing the Log File

Once the flow has been completed, you can view the log file to see the events that took place during the automation. Follow these steps to access the log file:

  1. Go to the Flows page.
  2. Click on the menu item for the flow you want to view.
  3. Select "History" from the drop-down menu.

On the history page, you can see a list of events that occurred during the flow. By clicking on "View Events," you can get a detailed view of each event, including timestamps and the actions taken.


In conclusion, the Flow Builder is a powerful tool that allows you to automate content creation using AI. With its user-friendly interface, you can easily build and customize content flows for various purposes. Whether you're a content creator or a business owner, the Flow Builder can streamline your workflow and save you time and effort.

Start using the Flow Builder today and experience the benefits of automated content creation!


Q: Is the Flow Builder suitable for beginners? A: Yes, the Flow Builder is designed to be user-friendly, making it suitable for beginners and experienced users alike. Its drag-and-drop interface simplifies the process of building automated content flows.

Q: Can I customize the prompts and instructions given to the AI? A: Absolutely! The Flow Builder allows you to input your own prompts and instructions, giving you full control over the content generated by the AI.

Q: Can I connect the Flow Builder to my existing WordPress blog? A: Yes, you can connect the Flow Builder to your WordPress blog to automatically publish content. Make sure to link your WordPress blog to ContentBot for this feature to work.

Q: Can I view the events and actions taken during a flow? A: Yes, the Flow Builder provides a log file that records the events and actions taken during a flow. You can easily access this log file to review the automation process.

Q: Is there any support available for using the Flow Builder? A: Yes, if you're unsure about how to use any of the triggers, actions, or filters in the Flow Builder, you can find detailed documentation for each item. Simply click on the "Documentation" link at the top right of the item to learn more.

Q: Can the Flow Builder handle more complex automations? A: Absolutely! While the examples in this article demonstrate simple automations, the Flow Builder can handle more complex flows. You can combine multiple triggers, actions, and filters to create customized and sophisticated automations based on your specific needs.

Q: What should I do if I encounter any issues or have feedback about the Flow Builder? A: The Flow Builder is currently in beta, and your feedback is highly appreciated. If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for improvement, please provide your feedback to help us enhance the product.


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