Create Stunning Procedural Trees with Regen Add-On

Create Stunning Procedural Trees with Regen Add-On

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Overview of Regen add-on
  3. Installation and Activation
  4. Generating Trees using Regen
  5. Exploring the Presets
  6. Customizing Your Trees
  7. Saving and Loading Custom Trees
  8. Limitations of Regen
  9. Texturing and Unwrapping Challenges
  10. Tips for Texturing Trees
  11. Conclusion


Hey guys, my name is Smash and today we're going to dive into the world of Regen, a free Blender add-on that allows you to generate procedurally generated trees. The possibilities with this add-on are vast, and the examples provided by the developers are simply stunning. In this article, we'll explore how to download and install the add-on, generate trees using presets, customize your own trees, and overcome some of the challenges that come with texturing and unwrapping. So, let's get started!

Overview of Regen add-on

Regen is a powerful add-on for Blender that empowers users to create intricate and realistic trees with ease. It utilizes procedural generation techniques, allowing for a wide variety of tree shapes, sizes, and styles. Whether you're looking to populate a forest scene or add some organic elements to your architectural visualization, Regen is a go-to tool for artists and designers.

Installation and Activation

To get started with Regen, you'll first need to download and install the add-on. Head over to the provided link and navigate to the download section. Simply click on the download button and save the file to your preferred location. Once the file is downloaded, open Blender and go to Edit > Preferences. In the preferences window, click on the Add-ons tab and then on the Install... button. Browse to the location where you saved the Regen add-on file and select it. Finally, click on Install Add-on to complete the installation process. Once installed, make sure to activate the add-on by checking the box next to its name.

Generating Trees using Regen

With Regen successfully installed and activated, it's time to start creating some trees! To access the add-on, navigate to the Tools menu in Blender and locate the Regen submenu. Alternatively, you can use the hotkey N to bring up the sidebar and find Regen under the Source tab. Once you're in the Regen menu, you'll have access to a wide range of presets to choose from. These presets include different types of trees such as apple trees, oak trees, and more. Simply select the desired preset, hit the Generate button, and watch as your tree comes to life within your Blender scene.

Exploring the Presets

The beauty of Regen lies in its comprehensive preset library. Each preset offers a unique combination of tree characteristics, allowing you to quickly populate your scenes with diverse foliage. From towering oak trees to delicate cherry blossoms, the possibilities are endless. Take some time to experiment with the different presets and find the perfect trees for your projects. The add-on's documentation provides insights into the settings and variations available for each preset, so don't hesitate to explore and tweak to your heart's content.

Customizing Your Trees

While the presets in Regen offer a wide variety of trees, you might want to create a custom tree that perfectly suits your vision. Fortunately, Regen provides the flexibility to achieve just that. By referring to the add-on's documentation, you can learn how to customize various attributes such as tree Shape, leaf shape, and blossom spawning. The documentation outlines different parameters and settings along with their corresponding values. Experiment with these settings to create your own unique tree designs that match your specific requirements.

Saving and Loading Custom Trees

Once you've crafted a custom tree that you're proud of, you can save it as a preset for future use. The add-on provides a simple way to save and load custom trees. Within the Regen interface, locate the "Save Custom Tree" button and click on it. Give your tree a name and save it. To load your custom tree in future projects, go to the "Load" section within the Regen menu, and you'll find your saved tree ready to use. This feature ensures that your custom creations are easily accessible and can be seamlessly integrated into your workflow.

Limitations of Regen

While Regen is an incredibly powerful and versatile add-on, it's essential to be aware of its limitations. One limitation is that Regen does not generate materials or unwrap the trees. Consequently, when it comes to texturing the leaves, you may encounter some challenges. By default, when you try to unwrap the tree, Blender unwraps each individual leaf separately. This can make texturing a tedious task as it becomes challenging to apply materials uniformly across all the leaves. However, there are workarounds for this issue, which we'll explore in the later sections.

Texturing and Unwrapping Challenges

Texturing and unwrapping trees generated by Regen can be a bit tricky due to the default unwrapping behavior in Blender. As Mentioned earlier, the individual leaves are unwrapped separately, resulting in a fragmented UV layout. This makes it difficult to apply textures consistently across all the leaves. However, there is a solution. By utilizing the "Transfer UV" option in Blender, you can transfer the UV layout from one leaf to all the other leaves, ensuring that they share the same UV coordinates. This process simplifies texturing and allows for a more streamlined workflow.

Tips for Texturing Trees

When texturing trees generated by Regen, it's crucial to keep a few tips in mind. Firstly, consider using image textures that accurately represent the appearance of leaves or bark. Secondly, pay attention to the Scale of the textures and ensure that they are appropriately sized for the tree. Additionally, experiment with different materials and shaders to achieve the desired level of realism. Lastly, consider using vertex painting to add variation and detail to the leaves, further enhancing the overall visual appeal of the tree.


In conclusion, Regen is a powerful and versatile add-on for Blender that empowers artists and designers to create stunning and realistic trees. By utilizing procedural generation techniques, Regen offers a vast array of preset trees while also providing the option to customize and save your own unique designs. Although there are some challenges when it comes to texturing and unwrapping, with the right techniques and approaches, you can overcome these hurdles and create visually captivating trees for your projects. So why wait? Dive into the world of Regen and take your Blender scenes to the next level!


  • Regen is a free Blender add-on that allows the generation of procedural trees.
  • The add-on offers a wide range of presets, including various tree types.
  • Customization options are available for users to create unique tree designs.
  • Custom trees can be saved and loaded for future projects.
  • Texturing and unwrapping trees can pose challenges, but techniques like UV transfer can simplify the process.
  • Tips for texturing trees include using appropriate image textures and experimenting with materials and shaders.


Q: Is Regen compatible with all versions of Blender? A: Yes, Regen is compatible with the latest versions of Blender.

Q: Can I use Regen for both personal and commercial projects? A: Absolutely! Regen is a free add-on and can be used for any type of project.

Q: Are there any tutorials available to learn more about using Regen? A: Yes, there are several tutorials available online that demonstrate various aspects of using Regen for tree generation and customization.

Q: Does Regen offer support for animation and wind effects? A: Currently, Regen focuses primarily on tree generation and does not have built-in support for animation or wind effects. However, you can still achieve animation effects using Blender's own tools and techniques in conjunction with the generated trees.

Q: Can I use Regen to generate other types of vegetation, such as grass or flowers? A: At present, Regen is specifically designed for tree generation and does not provide options for other types of vegetation. However, Blender offers numerous tools and add-ons dedicated to grass and flower generation that can complement Regen for a complete scene setup.

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