Automate data entry from Google Sheet with

Automate data entry from Google Sheet with

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Installing the Template
  3. Setting up the Google Sheet
  4. Setting up the Read Data Step
  5. Setting up the Interact Step
  6. Adding Sub Steps for Data Entry
  7. Completing the Form Submission
  8. Recording the Submissions
  9. Deleting Data from Google Sheets
  10. Looping and Jumping Steps
  11. Finalizing and Testing the Bot



In this tutorial, we will walk You through the process of using our template for automating data entry from a Google sheet using the code browser automation tool. Whether you want to scrape data or monitor websites for changes, this template will help you streamline the data entry process. Before starting, please note that the template requires customization to suit your specific needs, but this can be easily achieved by adding steps.

Installing the Template

To get started, click on the installation button available on our Website or directly in the extension. The installation process is straightforward and will guide you through setting up an Axiom account if you don't already have one. Additionally, you'll find a variety of other helpful templates on our website or in the extension that you can explore.

Setting up the Google Sheet

To begin, it is recommended to start with a Google sheet for data entry. Create a new Google sheet and add dummy data sets in separate rows. Each set of data represents the information you want to enter. Additionally, create a Second tab within the sheet to Record the entries sent.

Setting up the Read Data Step

The first step in configuring your Axiom bot is setting up the Read Data step. Open Axiom and locate the Read step. Add the URL of your Google sheet and select the sheet name from which you want to pull the data for entry. For efficiency, ensure you only pass one row of data from the sheet. To achieve this, specify the cell range, such as A1 to select the first cell in the first column. If your data extends beyond column E, you can adjust the range accordingly.

Setting up the Interact Step

Next, we'll configure the Interact step. This step allows you to interact with the web page where you want to enter the data. Start by entering the URL or selecting "Get Current URL" if you are already on the desired page. Under the Interact step, you can add sub steps that dictate the data entry process. These sub steps can be rearranged using the drag and drop feature.

Adding Sub Steps for Data Entry

To enter data into the web form, you'll need to add specific sub steps. For example, if you need to enter text into a field, use the "Enter Text" step. In this step, you can pass data from the Google sheet directly into the text field. Select your Google sheet and choose the column containing the desired data. Repeat this process for each text field until the form submission is complete. If you have a lengthy form, consider using multiple Interact steps for better organization.

Completing the Form Submission

After entering the required data, move on to the final part of the bot configuration. Here, you'll add another Read Data step to retrieve the recorded data from the Google sheet. Select the same sheet and specify the sheet name where you want to record the submissions. This step will allow you to keep track of the data entered. Additionally, add the Delete step from Google Sheets, selecting the sheet with data. This step ensures that each entry is deleted after processing.

Looping and Jumping Steps

To ensure you're looping through new sets of data, configure the Jump step. By default, it is set to 1, which means you'll jump back to the Read step to retrieve a new row of data. Adjust the number of loops Based on your requirements. During initial testing, try a few loops and gradually increase the number for larger data sets.

Finalizing and Testing the Bot

Once you've set up all the necessary steps, review the bot configuration and ensure that you've added the required steps for data entry. If you encounter any difficulties during this process, our support team is available to assist you. Now, you're ready to test and run your bot, automating data entry from a Google sheet efficiently and accurately.


  • Efficiently automate data entry from a Google sheet
  • Use the code browser automation tool for seamless automation
  • Customize the template to suit your specific data entry requirements
  • Easily set up the steps for reading data from the Google sheet
  • Interact with web forms and enter data accurately
  • Record the submissions for future reference
  • Delete data from Google Sheets after processing
  • Loop through multiple data sets for batch processing
  • Finalize and test your bot to ensure smooth operation
  • Get support from our team if you face any difficulties during the setup process


Q: Can I use this template for data entry from other sources besides Google sheets? A: While this tutorial focuses on data entry from a Google sheet, you can adapt the template to work with other data sources. However, slight modifications may be required to match the specific format and access method.

Q: Is the code browser automation tool easy to use for beginners? A: Yes, the tool is designed to be user-friendly, even for beginners. With the help of this tutorial and our support team, you'll be able to set up and run your bot smoothly.

Q: Can I automate data entry on multiple websites simultaneously using this template? A: Yes, you can customize the template to automate data entry on multiple websites. Simply replicate the required steps for each website and configure them accordingly.

Q: What happens if there are errors or missing data in the Google sheet? A: If errors or missing data occur in the Google sheet, the bot will not be able to process the affected entries. It is important to ensure the data in your sheet is accurate and complete before running the bot for optimal results.

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