Boost Your DJ Skills with These Essential Rekordbox Settings

Boost Your DJ Skills with These Essential Rekordbox Settings

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Changing Hot Cue Settings
  3. Utilizing the Crossfader
  4. Customizing Channel Fader Curves
  5. Using Release Effects
  6. Understanding Quantize
  7. Managing Music Library with My Tag
  8. Customizing the Rekordbox Sidebar
  9. Enhancing Waveform Display
  10. Key Analysis and Harmonic Mixing


As a DJ, it is important to have control over your set and make adjustments to personalize your performance. Within Rekordbox, there are various settings that can be modified to enhance your DJing experience. In this article, we will explore ten essential settings that every DJ should consider changing to optimize their DJ set. From hot cue settings to waveform display customization, we will Delve into each aspect, providing step-by-step instructions and practical insights.

Changing Hot Cue Settings

One of the most exhilarating aspects of DJing is using hot cues to Create rhythmic effects and add Flair to your mixes. By default, when you press the hotkey button, the track starts playing from that point, even if it is paused. However, you can adjust this setting to make the hotkeys work more like the main cue button. By enabling the "during-pause gate playback" option in the hot cue preferences, lifting your finger off the pad will stop playback and return the playhead to the hotkey. This setting is particularly useful when you want to quickly drop a vocal sample or create rhythmic effects in your mixes.

Utilizing the Crossfader

While scratching with the crossfader may have lost its cool factor over the years, it still serves a valuable purpose in DJing. The crossfader has a smoother action than the channel faders, making it perfect for creating quick rhythmic effects. By adjusting the crossfader curve in the preferences, You can control how fast the crossfader brings in the sound from the other deck when you move it. By moving the curve all the way to the right, you can Instantly cut the sound to create captivating effects.

Customizing Channel Fader Curves

In addition to the crossfader, you can also customize the curves of the channel faders. By default, the faders have a linear curve, which gradually increases the volume across the length of the fader. However, you have the option to change it to exponential or logarithmic curves. The exponential curve starts off quiet for most of the fader's length and then ramps up the volume quickly at the end. On the other HAND, the logarithmic curve quickly gets the track up to about 70% volume and gradually raises it to 100% along the rest of the fader. Experiment with these curves to find the one that suits your mixing style best.

Using Release Effects

Release effects are applied to a channel to make it fade out or end smoothly. They are particularly useful when you want to transition from one section of a track to another at a different tempo. Within the Rekordbox controller settings, you can find release effects options. By selecting the appropriate unit, you can choose to Apply the effect to the entire master channel or a specific deck. These effects can be activated using the release effects button or mapped to performance pads for easy access. Release effects provide a seamless and professional transition between tracks.

Understanding Quantize

Quantize is a function in Rekordbox that locks certain functions to the beat GRID of the track. This feature helps keep everything in time and eliminates the need for precise manual timing. By default, quantize is enabled for hot cues, loops, reverse, and sequencer. However, you can customize how quantize works for each function. For hot cues and loops, you can adjust the quantization value or disable it completely. This flexibility allows you to have more freedom and control over your performance.

Managing Music Library with My Tag

Rekordbox offers a powerful feature called My Tag, which helps DJs organize their music library and create playlists quickly. However, this feature is not fully supported on all CDJs. To overcome this limitation, you can add your My Tag information to the comments field of your music. By activating the "add My Tag to comments" checkbox in the advanced preferences, you can ensure that the metadata is usable on CDJs that do not fully support My Tag. This workaround allows for seamless integration of your music library across different platforms.

Customizing the Rekordbox Sidebar

To maximize efficiency and ease of navigation, it is essential to customize the Rekordbox sidebar. By default, there are numerous options selected, cluttering the sidebar and making it challenging to find the desired music quickly. In the layout preferences, you can uncheck the unnecessary services that you do not use, clearing up the sidebar and providing more room for playlists. This simple adjustment allows for a more streamlined workflow and helps you focus on your mixes.

Enhancing Waveform Display

The waveform display is a crucial element in DJ software, providing essential visual cues for track structure and mix transitions. However, the default waveform display in Rekordbox may not be to everyone's liking. In the waveform preferences, you have three options to customize the waveform color: standard Blue, RGB, and free band. The standard blue mode uses brightness to indicate frequencies, while RGB mode maps frequencies to a color spectrum. The free band mode provides a unique visual representation. Choose the waveform color option that suits your preference and enhances your visual experience while mixing.

Key Analysis and Harmonic Mixing

Understanding the key of a track and harmonically mixing compatible tracks is crucial for creating smooth transitions and Cohesive sets. Rekordbox provides a feature called the Camelot Key System, which turns musical keys into a series of numbers and letters. By changing the key display format to alphanumeric in the preferences, you can easily identify tracks that harmonize well with each other. Additionally, enabling key analysis during track analysis ensures accurate key information for your entire music library. This feature simplifies the process of selecting tracks that will sound good together and enhances your overall mixing skills.

In conclusion, by exploring and customizing these ten essential settings in Rekordbox, you can enhance your DJing experience and take control of your sets. From adjusting hot cue settings to customizing fader curves, each modification allows for increased creativity and personalized performance. Embrace these settings and make them your own to deliver Memorable DJ sets that captivate your audience.


  • Customizing hot cue settings allows for versatile and rhythmic effects in mixes.
  • Utilizing the crossfader provides smoother action and quick rhythmic effects.
  • Customizing fader curves enhances control and blending between tracks.
  • Release effects ensure smooth transitions and professional DJ mixes.
  • Understanding and using quantize supports accurate timing and seamless mixes.
  • Managing music library with My Tag improves organization and playlist creation.
  • Customizing the Rekordbox sidebar streamlines navigation and workflow.
  • Enhancing waveform display improves visual cues for track structure and mix transitions.
  • Key analysis and harmonic mixing simplifies track selection for cohesive and harmonious sets.


Q: How can I customize hot cue settings in Rekordbox? A: To customize hot cue settings, go to preferences, select the controller section, and navigate to the hot cue settings. Here, you can modify options such as during-pause gate playback and assign decks to hot cues.

Q: What is the AdVantage of using the crossfader in DJing? A: The crossfader provides a smoother action than channel faders, making it perfect for creating quick rhythmic effects. It allows DJs to blend between tracks and add dynamic transitions to their mixes.

Q: Can I customize the fader curves in Rekordbox? A: Yes, Rekordbox allows you to customize the fader curves. In the preferences, navigate to the controller and mixer section, and adjust the curve settings for both the crossfader and channel faders.

Q: How can release effects enhance my DJ mixes? A: Release effects make tracks fade out or end smoothly, allowing for seamless transitions between different sections and tempos. They add a professional touch to mix transitions and create a cohesive flow in DJ sets.

Q: What is quantize, and how can it benefit DJs? A: Quantize is a function that locks certain functions to the beat grid of a track. It helps DJs keep everything in time and eliminates the need for precise manual timing. By enabling quantize, DJs can create accurate loops, hot cues, and reverse effects.

Q: How can I manage my music library effectively in Rekordbox? A: Rekordbox offers a My Tag feature that helps DJs organize their music library. By adding My Tag information to the comments field of your tracks, you can ensure seamless integration across different platforms and devices.

Q: Can I customize the Rekordbox sidebar to suit my needs? A: Yes, you can customize the Rekordbox sidebar by going into the preferences, selecting the view section, and unchecking the services that are not necessary for your workflow. This allows you to declutter the sidebar and focus on essential playlists and features.

Q: How can I enhance the waveform display in Rekordbox? A: Rekordbox offers three options for customizing the waveform display: standard blue, RGB, and free band. You can choose the option that suits your preference and enhances your visual experience while mixing.

Q: What is the Camelot Key System, and how can it be useful for DJs? A: The Camelot Key System is a way of categorizing musical keys using numbers and letters. It simplifies the process of harmonic mixing by identifying compatible keys for smoother transitions between tracks. By utilizing the Camelot Key System in Rekordbox, you can easily select tracks that sound good together and create cohesive DJ sets.

Q: Can Rekordbox analyze the key of my tracks? A: Yes, Rekordbox can analyze the key of your tracks. By enabling the key analysis option in the preferences, Rekordbox will provide accurate key information for your entire music library. This allows for easy identification and mixing of harmonically compatible tracks.

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